Chapter 2 - Assessment Operations


This  chapter is intended to illustrate the general workflow of the assessor’s office, and provide an overview of the duties that the assessor’s staff must accomplish on an annual basis. The first section of this chapter, entitled Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties, reflects tasks that must be accomplished daily or intermittently throughout the year. The remainder of this chapter is devoted to a monthly breakdown of tasks associated with statutory deadlines and recommended nondate-specific statutory tasks. Detailed procedures for accomplishing many duties are shown in Chapter 3, Specific Assessment Procedures

Areas of responsibility were divided among the following three teams:

  • Management Team: Assessor and top-level supervisors.
  • Administration Team: Staff assigned to perform administrative duties such as transferring ownership, mapping, certifying values, completing the abstract, maintaining the assessment roll, etc.
  • Appraisal Team: Staff assigned to perform real and personal property appraisal duties such as data gathering, appraising, data analysis, and building appraisal models, as well as supporting the values for protest and appeal hearings.

The procedures detailed in this chapter are based on the standard protest and appeal period, and should be reviewed and modified as necessary for each office depending upon the county’s parcel count, staff size, computer system and mapping capabilities, geographic location, etc.

Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties

Many duties must be accomplished before statutory deadlines or requirements can be met. This section deals with duties that are not tied to a specific deadline, but must be completed at various times throughout the year.

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of duties detailed for the Administration and Appraisal Teams, review status of each and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Manage personnel issues.
  • Review status of budget regularly.

Administration Team Tasks

  • Process recorded title conveyance documents. Copies of conveyance documents that transfer commercial and industrial property should be routed to the individual(s) responsible for personal property records. (Refer to Title Conveyance in Chapter 3, Specific Assessment Procedures.)
  • Sales Confirmation:

    Review Real Property Transfer Declarations (TD-1000s) filed with deeds bearing a documentary fee and Manufactured Home Transfer Declarations (MHTD) filed with title applications.

    Send penalty notifications to grantees of deeds filed with incomplete or missing TD-1000s.

    Send penalty notifications to buyers of titled manufactured homes who have not submitted or have not completed MHTDs.

    Enter sales information from TD-1000s and MHTDs into sales database.

    Code sales with the appropriate valid or invalid sales code. (Refer to ARL Volume 3, REAL PROPERTY VALUATION MANUAL, Chapter 3, Sales Confirmation and Stratification.)

    Enter the appropriate invalid sales codes for deeds that are exempt from the documentary fee. (Refer to ARL Volume 3, REAL PROPERTY VALUATION MANUAL, Chapter 3, Sales Confirmation and Stratification.)

  • Process annexations, disconnections, inclusions and exclusions. (Refer to Boundary Changes for Taxing Entity in Chapter 3, Specific Assessment Procedures.)
  • Process subdivision, re-subdivision, townhome, condominium, and planned unit development plats. (Refer to Processing Plats, Chapter 3, Specific Assessment Procedures.)
  • Generate and review reports for data control; verify large changes in value. (Refer to Data Control Measures in Chapter 3, Specific Assessment Procedures.)
  • Process abatement and refund petitions. (Refer to Abatements in Chapter 3, Specific Assessment Procedures.)
  • Process changes of address.
  • Prepare ownership lists for special district elections. (Refer to Special District Elections – Property Owners List in Chapter 3, Specific Assessment Procedures.)
  • Update assessment maps by timely processing parcel and taxing entity boundary changes. (Refer to Mapping in Chapter 3, Specific Assessment Procedures and Chapter 14, Assessment Mapping and Parcel Identification.)
  • Track and code changes when property goes from taxable to exempt or from exempt to taxable.
  • Process real property value prorations for:

    Changes in taxable status
    Movement of titled manufactured homes into or out of the state
    Destruction of improvements
    (Refer to Chapter 4, Assessment Math.)

  • Process Special Notices of Valuation for omitted property, titled manufactured homes moving into the county from out of state, and property that changed taxable status due to a forfeiture or revocation of tax exempt status or termination of a lease by the state, a political subdivision, or a state supported institution of higher education. (Refer to Circumstances Requiring a Special NOV and Procedures for Issuing a Special NOV in Chapter 3, Specific Assessment Procedures.)

    NOTE: When exempt property is sold, the tax exempt status is revoked upon deed recordation. For example, if exempt property owned by the ABC Church is deeded to the XYZ Church, the tax exempt status of the property is lost until such time as the XYZ Church applies for exemption, even if the XYZ Church has other property in the county that is exempt. The Division recommends sending a blank application for exemption along with the Special Notice of Valuation to the new owner. A copy of the deed should be sent to the Division’s Exemption section.

  • All fees collected by the assessor’s office shall be deposited with the treasurer’s office each month, § 30-1-112(1), C.R.S. Possible sources of revenue include personal property filing extension fees, § 39-5-116(1), C.R.S., or copy fees § 24-72-205(5), C.R.S. A full, true, and accurate accounting of the fees collected shall be entered into a ledger book each day, § 30-1-113, C.R.S. Any assessor who fails to make monthly deposits and/or maintain accurate records may be found guilty of a misdemeanor, and if convicted, may be removed from office, § 30-1-117, C.R.S. Review the statutes shown above and §§ 30-1-108 to 111, 30-1-114, and 30-1-116 to 117, C.R.S.
  • Track and process leases and rental agreements submitted by the state, a political subdivision, or a state-supported institution of higher education that create an exemption under § 39-3-124(1)(b), C.R.S. (Refer to Real Property Leased to the State or Political Subdivision in Chapter 10, Exemptions.) The lessee is required to file a copy of the lease or rental agreement with the assessor’s office. The assessor must send a notice to the landlord acknowledging receipt of the lease or rental agreement. The notice must identify the property, the property address, and the parties to the lease or rental agreement, § 39-3-124(1)(b), C.R.S.

Appraisal Team Tasks

Real Property

  • Discover, classify, list and value omitted property. (Refer to Omitted Property and Procedures for Issuing a Special NOV in Chapter 3, Specific Assessment Procedures.
  • Review TD-1000 declarations and MHTDs, note any declarations that require confirmation, and code transactions for sales lists. Mail supplementary sales confirmation letters and agricultural classification questionnaires as necessary. (Refer to ARL Volume 3, Real Property Valuation Manual, Chapter 3, Sales Confirmation and Stratification, and Chapter 5, Valuation of Agricultural Land, for examples of letters and questionnaires.)
  • Review returned supplementary sales confirmation letters, agricultural classification questionnaires, and begin analysis for market adjustments and depreciation, and code transactions accordingly.
  • Make changes in use as required from agricultural land underlying a residential improvement to two acres or less of such land that becomes non-integral to the agricultural operation, per §§ 39-1-102(1.6)(a)(I)(A) or (B) and 39-1-102(14.4)(a), C.R.S
  • Review neighborhoods and economic areas, and make adjustments as necessary.
  • Review sales for time trend analysis.
  • Physically inspect as many sold properties as feasible within 30 days of the date of sale.
  • Review building permits and assign field inspections for new construction to the appropriate appraiser.

    NOTE: Consult sales maps to identify sold properties and new construction that is located in the same area. When possible, all onsite inspection tasks should be completed during the same inspection.

  • Conduct physical inspections of real property according to audit work schedule. (Refer to Physical Inspection of Real PropertyGuidelines in Chapter 3, Specific Assessment Procedures. Also refer to Chapter 8, Assessment Planning Guidelines.)
  • Prior to May 1 of the intervening year, review revaluations to ensure they meet one of the three allowable criteria: (1) to correct a clerical error or supply a clerical omission; (2) to adjust for an unusual condition as found in § 39-1-104(11)(b)(I), C.R.S.; or (3) to correct an incorrect value per Thibodeau v. Denver County Board of Commissioners, 2018 COA 124 428 P.3d 706.
  • Verify that new structures, remodels, additions, and destroyed residential improvements are inspected, valued, classified according to use, listed on the assessment roll, tracked for abstract and certification purposes, and flagged for review of associated new personal property.

    NOTE: 1) When possible, all onsite inspection tasks should be completed during the same inspection. 2) When residential improvements are destroyed, demolished, or relocated as a result of a natural cause on or after January 1, 2010, the land associate with the residential improvements shall remain classified as residential for the year of destruction and two subsequent tax years. See § 39-1-102(14.4)(b), C.R.S.

Personal Property

  • Inspect rotary drilling rigs.
  • Conduct physical and desk audits of personal property in accordance with the county personal property audit plan. (Refer to Chapter 8, Assessment Planning Guidelines. Also refer to ARL Volume 5, Personal Property Valuation Manual, Addendum 5-A, Audit Standards.)
  • Conduct research to identify new businesses and physically inspect new businesses. Twice per year, the assessor may request identifying information from owners and agents (property management companies, lodging companies, and listing services) advertising furnished residential properties for rent, § 39-5-108.5, C.R.S.
  • Collaborate with real property appraisers to discover new personal property that may be associated with newly constructed or remodeled real property.
  • Regularly review returned TD-1000 forms for declared personal property valuations.
  • Coordinate with management team to report estimated quantities of Declaration forms and Notice of Valuation forms needed.

Oil and Gas Production

January – Statutory Deadlines and Duties

1Assessment date/tax lien attaches§ 39-1-105
§ 39-1-107
1Beginning of county fiscal year 
ASAPPersonal property schedules mailed§ 39-3-119.5
§ 39-5-108
§ 39-5-113.3(1)
ASAPVacant land questionnaires mailed§ 39-1-103(14)(d)
10Tax warrant delivered to treasurer§ 39-5-129
10Assessor submits senior and veteran exemption data to the Administrator for review§ 39-3-207(2)(b)
 All fees collected turned in to treasurer§ 30-1-112
 Calculate the aggregated value of exempt business personal property§ 39-3-119.5(3)(c)(I)

Assessment Date/Tax Lien Attaches

Property is assessed according to its taxable status, use, and condition on the assessment date. The tax lien attaches, and all property (taxable and exempt) located in the county on January 1, is listed on the assessment roll for the current year.

Beginning of County Fiscal Year

Colorado counties’ fiscal years run from January 1 through December 31. In other words, the current year’s budgeted funds become available on January 1. However, if funds were committed to pay for items and services before December 31 of the previous year, but the items, services or bill(s) were not received until January of the following year, the bill(s) must be paid from the previous year’s budget.

The unexpended balance of the assessor’s budget as of December 31 does not accrue to the assessor’s budget for the following fiscal year. Any unexpended balances revert back to the county’s general fund and may be used to fund other county services.

Management Team Tasks

  • Ensure that funds committed in the previous fiscal year are expended by January 31.
  • Conduct current year performance evaluation plans for employees, review job descriptions and work plans, and update as necessary. If performance evaluations are conducted on employees’ anniversaries, prepare a schedule for the year.
  • Chart appraisal license expiration dates for employees to ensure timely renewal, and to aid in budgeting for continuing education and license renewal fees.
  • Chart National USPAP Update course completion dates, as the course is required every other year.
  • Compile all approved contracts from external service providers, including: printing and mailing vendors, software vendors, consultants, MLS subscriptions and other data providers.
  • Chart approved pay raise dates and leave accruals.
  • Complete certification of values forms (DLG57) for each entity. Mail certification of values forms to cities, counties, and special districts to the Division of Local Government by January 3, for 2024 only. Mail certification of values forms for school districts to the Department of Education by January 3, for 2024 only.

Calculate the Estimated Aggregate Value of Exempt Business Personal Property

Beginning with the 2022 tax year, assessors must calculate the aggregate value of exempt business personal property for the county and each local governmental entity. This total is calculated by multiplying the applicable baseline exemption amount by the growth factor published by the Property Tax Administrator.

Declaration Schedules Mailed

By statute, declaration schedules are to be mailed as soon after January 1 as possible. Each year, the Division of Property Taxation develops and disseminates the approved declaration schedule forms to be used by property owners to report taxable personal property, oil and gas production, and mine production. (Refer to ARL Volume 5, Personal Property Valuation Manual.)

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration and Appraisal Teams, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Verify that adequate quantities of Declaration Schedules (DS 056, DS 058, DS 060, DS 155, DS 618, DS 628, DS 648, DS 654, DS 656, and DS 658) are in stock. Orders are placed in late September and early October of the previous year.

Administration Team Tasks

  • Obtain adequate postage to mail declaration schedules.
  • Add new accounts to assessment roll.
  • Input personal property account address changes.
  • Prepare declaration schedules for mailing (print, fold, staple, sort).

Appraisal Team Tasks

Vacant Land Questionnaires Mailed

By statute, two copies of the Vacant Land Questionnaire are to be mailed to land developers as soon after January 1 as possible. The deadline for filing the completed questionnaires with the assessor is March 20. The completed questionnaires provide the information required to properly apply vacant land present worth procedures. (Refer to ARL Volume 3, Real Property Valuation Manual, Chapter 7, Special Issues in Valuation.)

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Appraisal Team, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.

Appraisal Team Tasks

  • Review current mailing list of land developers who should receive the Vacant Land Questionnaire, add any new developers, and verify addresses as needed.
  • Determine the number of Vacant Land Questionnaires required, and order an adequate supply of the most current form. The questionnaire is developed by the Division, and can either be photocopied or produced by a printing company.
  • Prepare the questionnaires for mailing (print labels, fold, sort).

Tax Warrant

The assessor delivers the tax warrant to the treasurer no later than January 10. (Refer to Chapter 7, Abstract, Certification, and Tax Warrant.)

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administrative Team, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Certify the tax warrant to the county treasurer. (Refer to Chapter 7, Abstract, Certification, and Tax Warrant.)

Administrative Team Tasks

  • Before the assessor certifies the tax warrant to the treasurer, verify the accuracy of the following items:
    • Mill levies
    • Tax calculations
    • Assessed values
    • Tax Increment Financing base and increment allocations
    • Penalties for personal property declaration schedules that were filed late or not filed
    • TD-1000 and MHTD penalties
    • Entity totals balance to amount of revenue certified
  • Correct errors as necessary, and rerun the tax warrant.
  • Record tax area total valuations to use as beginning control totals. (Refer to Data Control Measures in Chapter 3, Specific Assessment Procedures, and Control Totals in Chapter 8, Assessment Planning Guidelines.)
Senior and Veteran Exemption Data

Not later than January 10, assessor submits senior and veteran exemption data to the Administrator for review of any previously denied exemption. (Refer to Senior Citizen and Veteran with a Disability Exemption in Chapter 3, Specific Assessment Procedures.)

Management Team Tasks
  • Coordinate data submission with computer vendor or information technology staff.
  • Verify that the required data is submitted in a correct format by the deadline.
  • Verify that all changes to the data are complete and finalized before filing.
Administrative Team Tasks
  • Finalize any permitted changes to the data before the upload deadline (e.g. parcel splits or combinations, changes to taxes exempted or values, or last minute removals).

January – Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration and Appraisal Teams, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Remit to the treasurer all fees collected to date, and an itemized statement of the fees. Reconcile the statement with the assessor’s collection register.
  • Update the county’s personal property audit plan as needed, and determine the current status of physical audit inspections. The State Board of Equalization, mandates an assessor-defined 12-month audit period. The county plan is reviewed by the auditor each year. (Refer to ARL Volume 5, Personal Property Valuation Manual, Chapter 5, Addendum 5-A, Audit Standards.)
  • Review the status of the physical inspection of real property in accordance with the county’s re-inspection cycle. (Refer to Chapter 8, Assessment Planning Guidelines.)
  • Any real property leased or rented for at least a year by the State of Colorado, a political subdivision, or a state-supported institution of higher education is subject to an exemption if the lease is submitted to the assessor by the aforementioned political subdivision. Review newly submitted leases and previously submitted leases to determine the current year’s exemptions.
  • Pursuant to § 39-2-109(1)(d), C.R.S., submit forms for Division approval. Once the forms are approved, order the appropriate quantity of each form.
  • Write media releases detailing appraiser’s activities and the need for market-based data to accurately value property in the county.
  • See Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties at the beginning of this chapter.

Administration Team Tasks

  • For the most recent version of the taxpayer information brochures, please contact the Division. 
  • Exempt Property Master Record:

    Review the Exempt Property Master Record sent to the assessor by the Division in January. This report lists properties that are exempt because they are used solely and exclusively for religious, strictly charitable, or private school purposes. Compare the Master Record to the county records to identify any inconsistencies. Inconsistencies should be reported to the Division’s Exemptions Section. Correct abstract codes as necessary.

    If title to property granted exemption by the Division is transferred to a new owner, place the property on the assessment roll in the name of the new owner effective as of the date of such transfer. Notify the Division and provide the names of the grantor and grantee, the legal description, the parcel identification number, and the date of the transfer. Notify the new owner that in order to claim exemption for the property, a new application for exemption must be filed, even if the new owner is affiliated with the previous owner. Because of the change in taxable status, a proration of value is necessary, and a Special Notice of Valuation must be mailed. (Refer to Chapter 4, Assessment Math; Chapter 3, Specific Assessment Procedures; and Chapter 9, Forms Standards.)

    (Refer to Exemptions Determined by the Administrator in Chapter 10, Exemptions.)

  • Severed minerals:

    Create new accounts or activate existing accounts for mineral interests that were severed from the surface estate or from an existing mineral estate during the previous year.

    Deactivate accounts for severed mineral interests which expired in the previous year (time reservations).

    Create new accounts or activate existing accounts for severed mineral interests that are no longer a part of a producing mineral interest.

    Deactivate accounts for severed mineral interests that are now a part of a producing mineral interest.

    (Refer to Severed MineralsAdministrative Procedures in Chapter 3, Specific Assessment Procedures.)

  • Change tax area codes for titled manufactured homes that moved within the county in the previous year.
  • Prorate values:

    Raise to full value the titled manufactured homes that moved into the county from out of state during the previous year.

    Deactivate accounts for all titled manufactured homes that moved out of the state during the previous year.

    Remove prorated value of structures that were destroyed in the previous year, and confirm the correct land classification with appraiser.

    If the proration of value of the structure is due to a natural disaster, the value removed from the tax roll will need to be tracked in order to report the amounts to the treasurer for reimbursement from the state.

    Adjust value of real property that changed taxable status after January 1 of the previous year.

    NOTE: This task requires close collaboration with the appraisal team, especially if the property is changing from exempt to taxable. An inspection may need to be made to confirm inventory, use, and the corresponding value. This new value comes from the appraisal side, and if occurring in an intervening year, constitutes an unusual condition. The Notice of Value must accurately reflect the change in class and value from the prior year. (Refer to Prorating Values in Chapter 4, Assessment Math.)

  • Annexation orders:

    Process any annexation orders that were filed in the previous year. (Refer to Boundary Changes for Taxing Entity in Chapter 3, Specific Assessment Procedures.)

    Notify appropriate personnel of new tax areas.

    Verify proper coding of annexed properties on assessment records and computer tables.

  • Change abstract classification code on parcels that changed use after January 1 of the previous year, i.e., formerly vacant parcels that are now improved, formerly improved parcels that are now vacant, etc.
  • Possessory interests:

    Create new accounts or activate existing accounts for new possessory interests.

    Deactivate possessory interest accounts with expired leases from the tax roll.

  • Senior citizen and veteran with a disability exemptions:

    Remove the exemptions for properties that changed ownership or occupancy in the previous year. (Refer to Revocations in Chapter 3, Specific Assessment Procedures.)

  • Correct any errors discovered after the tax warrant was produced. (Refer to Changes to Tax Warrant in Chapter 7, Abstract, Certification and Tax Warrant.)
  • See Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties at the beginning of this chapter.

Appraisal Team Tasks

Real Property

  • Begin gathering information concerning taxable possessory interests, such as leases or permits involving private users of real or personal property otherwise exempt from property taxation. (Refer to ARL Volume 3, Real Property Valuation Manual, Chapter 7, Special Issues in Land Valuation.)
  • Collect and analyze local cost and market data for CAMA systems.
  • Begin review of neighborhood/economic area boundaries and redefine as necessary.
  • Inspect or confirm completion status for structures that were partially complete on the previous assessment date.
  • Identify properties that changed use or were subject to the unusual conditions provisions as defined in § 39-1-104(11)(b)(I), C.R.S., in the previous year.
  • Analyze current replacement cost new tables.
  • Mail income and expense questionnaires to commercial property owners. Analyze completed questionnaires upon receipt.
  • See Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties at the beginning of this chapter.

Personal Property

  • Deactivate accounts for personal property that was moved out of the state, personal property owned by businesses that have closed, personal property that was converted from commercial use to personal use, and personal property that was destroyed in the previous year.
  • Examine newspapers, telephone directories, sales tax applications, building permits, utility connections, internet web sites, etc., to discover new personal property accounts. Twice per year the assessor may request identifying information from owners and agents (property management companies, lodging companies, and listing services) advertising furnished residential properties for rent, § 39-5-108.5, C.R.S.
  • Inspect new businesses according to the county personal property audit plan.
  • See Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties at the beginning of this chapter.

February – Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties

 All fees collected are turned in to the treasurer.§ 30-1-112
 Determine local government entities that are eligible for reimbursement due to the reduction in assessed value of real property between year 2022 and 2024.§ 39-3-211
  • Remit to the treasurer all fees collected to date, and an itemized statement of the fees. Reconcile the statement with the assessor’s collection register.

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration and Appraisal Teams, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • If forms for the current tax year have not been submitted to the Division for approval, submit the following: Notices of Valuation, Protest forms, and Notices of Determination. Once the forms are approved, order the appropriate quantity of each form. (Refer to Chapter 9, Form Standards.)

Administrative Team Tasks

  • See Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties at the beginning of this chapter.
  • Assessors must report to the Administrator the local governments that are eligible for reimbursement due to a reduction in their assessed value of real property between property tax years 2022 and 2024. The statutory reporting deadline is March 1. (Refer to Local Government Reimbursement, Chapter 3, Specific Assessment Procedures)

Appraisal Team Tasks

Real Property

  • Input new neighborhood codes.
  • Ensure that all sales that occurred within the data-gathering period have been coded.
  • Calculate and review preliminary sales ratio statistics.
  • Analyze resource data to be used in the income approach.
  • See Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties at the beginning of this chapter.

Personal Property

March – Statutory Deadlines and Duties

On or before March 1Assessors report to the Administrator the reimbursement amount to any local government who had a decrease in assessed value of real property between year 2022 and 2024.§ 39-3-211(4)
On or before March 1Administrator shall prepare a description of the property tax classes and subclasses, the ratio of valuation for assessment for each class and subclass and the years the ratios apply.§ 39-5-121(3)(a)
Not later than March 1Treasurer submits to the Administrator the total property tax revenues lost by each local governmental entity (excluding school districts) as a result in the change made in SB22-238 that reduced the valuations for assessment.§ 39-3-210(3)
1Colorado Forest Service reports forested parcels eligible for agricultural classification and parcels that are not eligible due to noncompliance with the forest management plan.§ 39-1-102(4.4)
Not later than March 15Residential real property owner’s mail or deliver qualified senior primary residential classification applications to the assessor. Applications received or bearing a postmark on or before March 15 are considered timely filed.§ 39-1-104.6(7)(b)(II)
20Land developers must return vacant land questionnaires.§ 39-1-103(14)(d)
 All fees collected are turned in to the treasurer.§ 30-1-112

Forested Agricultural Land - Classification

Management Team Tasks

  • Review the Colorado State Forest Service (CSFS) report that lists parcels that are currently under a forest management plan and are eligible for agricultural classification.
  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration and Appraisal Teams, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.

Administration Team Tasks

  • Change the classification of parcels designated as agricultural forest land in the previous year that do not appear on the current year’s forest service list. Assign the proper classification code according to the current use of the parcel.
  • Change the classification of parcels appearing on the forest service list for the first time.
    NOTE: The CSFS can verify the acreage of each parcel under the forest management plan.

Appraisal Team Tasks

Real Property

Vacant Land Questionnaires Due March 20

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Appraisal Team, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.

Appraisal Team Tasks

Real Property

March – Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration and Appraisal Teams, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • For an early April publication, distribute the personal property media release prepared by the Division for publication.
  • Remit to the treasurer all fees collected to date, and an itemized statement of the fees. Reconcile the statement with the assessor’s collection register.
  • See Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties at the beginning of this chapter.

Administration Team Tasks

  • Complete processing annexations recorded in the previous year that became effective January 1.
  • See Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties at the beginning of this chapter.

Appraisal Team Tasks

Real Property

  • Complete input of qualified and unqualified sales data.
  • Analyze data for market adjustments to be used in valuation models.
  • Review test land valuations, adjust valuation tables as necessary.
  • Finalize recommended cost, market, and income approach data.
  • Run test valuations and statistical analyses of sold properties to assure accuracy and compliance for the established models used to value property.
  • Verify that sold properties and improvements that were partially completed or remodeled in the previous year are physically inspected by the end of the month.
  • See Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties at the beginning of this chapter.

Personal Property

April – Statutory Deadlines and Duties

15Owners of taxable personal property, oil and gas property, and producing natural resources property return declaration schedules to the assessor. Owners or operators of oil and gas leaseholds and lands must supply requested supporting documentation within 30 days to avoid fines.§ 39-5-108
§ 39-5-113.5(1)
§ 39-6-106
§ 39-6-111.5
§ 39-7-101
15Property owners may request 10 or 20-day extension for filing declaration schedules.§ 39-5-116(1)
After 15Best information available assessments are made and penalties for failing to file or filing late are imposed.§ 39-5-116
§ 39-6-108
§ 39-7-104
§ 39-7-101(1.5)
Before end of monthPublic notice is given of dates, times, and place that assessor will sit to hear protests of valuations for current year (May 1 deadline).§ 39-5-122(1)
 All fees collected are turned in to the treasurer.§ 30-1-112

Declaration Schedules Due

Declaration Schedules are distributed to owners of personal property, oil and gas property, and producing natural resources property in January and must be completed and returned by April 15. Property owners may file a written request for an extension of 10 days or 20 days. (Refer to ARL Volume 5, Personal Property Valuation Manual.)

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Appraisal Team, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.

Appraisal Team Tasks

Personal Property
  • Process requests for deadline extensions.
  • Process completed Declaration Schedules. (Refer to Processing Declarations in Chapter 3, Specific Assessment Procedures.)
  • Apportion value of drilling rigs according to operator log. (Refer to Oil and Gas Skid-Mounted Drilling Rigs in Chapter 7, Special Issues, ARL Volume 5, Personal Property Valuation Manual.)
  • Attach date-stamped envelopes to declaration schedules that were not timely filed.
  • Flag accounts filed after April 15, or after extension expiration, for the late filing penalty.
  • Notify owners that are subject to the nondisclosure penalty.
  • Review personal property audits.
  • Spot check personal property processing and calculations.
  • Compare values with market analysis by property type.
  • Personal property is exempt if its actual value is equal to or less than the exemption threshold shown for the applicable tax year. Exempt personal property accounts should be flagged and reviewed annually.

    Tax YearExemption Threshold
    2009 – 2010$4,000
    2011 – 2012$5,500
    2013 – 2014$7,000
    2015 – 2016$7,300
    2017 – 2018$7,400
    2019 – 2020$7,700
    2021 – 2022$50,000
    ThereafterInflation factor calculated by the Division

Best Information Available Valuations

Property owners who fail to return Declaration Schedules or request an extension by April 15 are subject to a best information available valuation. Property owners who failed to timely file a Personal Property Declaration Schedule or oil and gas leaseholds statement are subject to a late filing penalty. The penalty amount is $50 or 15% of the tax due on the assessed value of the personal property, whichever is less. The penalty amount for oil and gas leaseholds is $100 for each calendar day the statement is delinquent, not to exceed $3,000 in any calendar year.

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Appraisal Team, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Review best information available valuations for supporting documentation and validity of value.

Appraisal Team Tasks

Personal Property

Protest Hearings – Public Notice

The assessor is required to give public notification that real and personal property protest hearings will be held. This notice should appear in at least one issue of a local newspaper, or if no local newspaper exists, the notice should be posted in the offices of the assessor, the treasurer, the clerk and recorder, and in at least two other public places located in the county seat. This public notice is required by statute; therefore, the Division recommends retaining proof of publication.

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration Team, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.

Administration Team Tasks

  • Publish or distribute public notice of real and personal property protest hearings.
  • File proof of publication in public notice file.

April – Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration and Appraisal Teams, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Review final reconciled appraisal models incorporating cost, market, and income approach data.
  • Develop plan and work flow for real and personal property protests. Set deadlines for establishing final determinations of value and printing Notices of Determination.
  • Familiarize staff with protest procedures and assign duties.
  • Supervise the review of appraisal data that will merge into tax roll data: control totals reports, percent change reports, abstract change reports; verify that class code changes and value changes are accurate; confirm that necessary corrections are completed.
  • Confirm that new appraisal data is successfully merged into tax roll data.
  • Obtain adequate postage to mail Real and Personal Property Notices of Valuation.
  • Coordinate the processing and/or printing of Notice of Valuation forms with appropriate personnel.
  • For the most recent version of the taxpayer information brochures, please contact the Division. 
  • Remit to the treasurer all fees collected to date, and an itemized statement of the fees. Reconcile the statement with the assessor’s collection register.
  • See Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties at the beginning of this chapter.

Administration Team Tasks

  • Certify to the treasurer the Real Property Transfer Declaration (TD-1000) and Manufactured Home Transfer Declaration (MHTD) penalties for the first quarter of the year to ensure that the treasurer is aware of unpaid penalties prior to the sale of property.
  • Contact post office regarding requirements for mailing Notices of Valuation.
  • Obtain adequate postage to mail Real and Personal Property Notices of Valuation.
  • Prepare copies of protest recording documents such as master log, protest forms, agency assignment forms, appraisal and telephone contact logs.
  • Prior to merging appraisal and administrative systems, collaborate with appraisal team to:

    Verify that new construction and remodeling changes have been input.

    Verify that records pertaining to new subdivisions, new condominium plats, and properties that changed from exempt to taxable have been updated.

    Verify that address changes are current.

    Verify that property transfers are current.

    Verify that appraisers have completed final value entries.

  • Real Property Notices of Valuation:

    Schedule processing of Notices of Valuation with appropriate personnel.

    Run and review Notice of Valuation preview report for errors.

    Submit Notices of Valuation data to printing vendor OR print Notices of Valuation, sort, and prepare for mailing.

    Run control totals (Abstract Reports) on new valuations.

  • See Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties at the beginning of this chapter.

Appraisal Team Tasks

Real Property

  • Review test valuations and statistical analyses for each area to be revalued in current year.
    Compare oil and gas production declared by the taxpayer with the Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission database.
  • Request supporting documentation from owners or operators of oil and gas leaseholds and lands who submitted declaration schedules. The owners or operators must supply the information within 30 days to avoid fines, § 39-7-101, C.R.S.
  • Review adjustments to valuation tables and final statistical analyses.
  • Make adjustments to valuation tables as necessary and run final statistical analyses.
  • Assemble appraisal work files and publish summary appraisal analysis and conclusions for taxpayer review, to include:

    Sales data maps and spreadsheets by neighborhood or analysis area.

    A list of income data in non-confidential format.

    Other statistical data used in current year such as documentation for location adjustments, gross rent multipliers, capitalization rates, and market adjustments for time and depreciation.

  • See Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties at the beginning of this chapter.

Personal Property

  • Process completed Declaration Schedules. (Refer to Processing Declarations, in Chapter 3, Specific Assessment Procedures.)
  • Perform a physical audit of best information available and suspect accounts, if included in the county plan.
  • Perform market analyses as appropriate.
  • Prepare data for best information available valuations.
  • Personal property is exempt if its actual value is equal to or less than the exemption threshold shown for the applicable tax year. Exempt personal property accounts should be flagged and reviewed annually.
  • See Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties at the beginning of this chapter.

May – Statutory Deadlines and Duties

No later than May 1The Commission shall report on the equity of the valuation for assessment.§ 2-2-2201(6)(d)
1Deadline for special districts to make inclusions or exclusions.§ 39-1-110(1.5), (1.8)
1Last day for assessor to provide public notice of protest hearings.§ 39-5-122(1)
1Notices of Valuation for real property are mailed or, upon written request from property owner, e-mailed (does not include oil and gas and producing/non-producing mines.)§ 20, art. X, COLO. CONST.
§ 39-5-121(1), (1.7),
§ 39-6-111.5
§ 39-7-102.5
First wkg day after NOVs are mailedProtest hearings on value and classification of real property begin.§ 39-5-122(1)
1Assessor makes request to county commissioners to use alternate protest and appeal procedure. If approved, the county shall notify the BAA and district court.§ 39-5-122.7(1)
1Assessor mails senior citizen and veteran with a disability exemptions notice to residential real property owners only if notice was not included in the tax bill.§ 39-3-204
1Deadline for State Board of Land Commissioners to furnish to the assessor a list of state lands sold.§ 36-1-132
 All fees collected are turned in to the treasurer.§ 30-1-112

Special Districts – Filing Deadline

Title 32 special districts that are making boundary changes without an election must file the required documents with the clerk and recorder by May 1 for the change to be effective in the current assessment year.

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration and Appraisal Teams, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.

Administration Team Tasks

Appraisal Team Tasks

Real Property
  • Update neighborhood and economic area narratives to reflect new services provided by special districts.

Real Property NOVS – Mailing Deadline

No later than May 1 of each year, the assessor must mail an approved Notice of Valuation and Protest form to each property owner, except operators of oil and gas property, and owners of producing and nonproducing mines. Upon taxpayer’s request, the NOV may be sent electronically.

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration Team, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Ensure that Real Property Notices of Valuation are postmarked no later than May 1.

Administration Team Tasks

  • Complete processing Notices of Valuation and mail.
  • Provide for electronic transmission of those NOVs requested by taxpayers.

Protest Period – Use of Alternate Protest and Appeal Procedure

Pursuant to § 39-5-122.7(4), C.R.S., all counties with a population greater than 300,000 shall use the alternate protest and appeal procedure during biennial reappraisal years.The governing body of a county may, at the request of the assessor, elect to use an alternate protest and appeal procedure for real and personal property. If implemented, the county shall notify the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) and the district court. The alternate procedure moves several deadlines in the appeal process, which results in an additional 60 days for the assessor to respond to protests. (Refer to §§ 39-5-122(2), 39-5-122.7(1), and 39-8-106(1), 107(2), C.R.S.)

Management Team Tasks

  • When not required, but if desired, submit request to the county commissioners to use alternate protest and appeal procedure.

Standard Protest Period for Real Property Begins

Property owners have the right to protest the valuation or classification of their real property. Protests may be made to the assessor in person or in writing beginning on the first working day after Notices of Valuation are mailed. Protests must be postmarked or delivered in-person no later than June 8.

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration and Appraisal Teams, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Hear taxpayer protests and/or review appraisal team recommendations, and render final determinations.
  • Monitor protest log.
  • Assign physical inspections as needed.

Administration Team Tasks

  • Greet the public, provide general information on the protest process, and log protests.
  • Log telephone calls as an inquiry and give general information.

Appraisal Team Tasks

Real Property
  • Hear taxpayer protests and/or review written protests, request additional information if necessary, and document recommendations for adjustment/denial.
  • Physically inspect property as required, and report findings and recommendations for adjustment/denial.
  • Input corrections to property characteristics file.
  • Input adjustments, denials, and changes to the assessment roll.

Senior Citizen and Veteran With A Disability Exemptions – Mail Notice

Assessors must annually mail a notice to each owner of residential property explaining the existence of the Senior Citizen and Veteran with a Disability exemptions only if the notice is not included in the tax bill. The notice for the senior exemption must be included with the treasurer’s tax bill; however, if the notice for the veteran with a disability exemption is not also included in the treasurer’s tax bill in January, the assessor must send a notice informing residential property owners about the veteran with a disability exemption no later than May 1 of each year, § 39-3-204, C.R.S. Notification may be provided in one of two formats: 1) the notification insert language, or 2) the Senior Citizen Exemption and the Veteran with a Disability Exemption brochures. The potential advantages to each format are as follows:

  • Insert – the least expensive notice to print and mail.
  • Brochures – places the most comprehensive description of the senior citizen and veteran with a disability exemptions in the hands of each residential owner.

(Refer to Chapter 9, Form Standards, for the current insert language or go to Publications and Reports for the current brochures.)

Management Team Tasks

  • Discuss exemptions with staff to ensure applicant qualifications and deadlines are understood.
  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administrative Team, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.

Administrative Team Tasks

  • Run ownership report for all residential real property.
  • Obtain current insert language or Senior Citizen Exemption and Veteran with a Disability Exemption brochures.
  • If the notice will be mailed with the tax bill, work with the appropriate staff in the treasurer’s office to coordinate the mailing. Otherwise, prepare the insert or brochures for mailing separately or with the Notice of Valuation.

State Lands Sold

All equities in state land are subject to taxation. No later than May 1 of each year, the director of State Board of Land Commissioners provides to each county assessor a list of state lands sold.

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration and Appraisal Teams, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.

Administration Team Tasks

  • Review the list of sales provided by the State Board of Land Commissioners and remit the fee for the list to the Land Commission. If the list is not received by May 1, contact the State Board of Land Commissioners at 303-866-3454, 1127 Sherman Street, Suite 300, Denver, CO 80203.
  • If a patent from the State of Colorado has been recorded, calculate the prorated value of each account based on the date of sale as indicated in the patent, and flag accounts for review next year. (Refer to Chapter 3, Specific Assessment Procedures)
  • Note the current value on the appraisal record, and update the value on the computer system.

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration and Appraisal Teams, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Monitor progress of personal property declaration processing to ensure completion by June 10.
  • Coordinate production of Personal Property Notices of Valuation and Notices of Determination with appropriate personnel.
  • Discuss appeal process, timeframe, and requirements with county commissioners. For statutes pertaining to independent referees (hearing officers) for county board of equalization hearings, refer to §§ 39-8-102 and 39-8-107, C.R.S. For the statute pertaining to arbitrators for hearings in lieu of BAA or district court, refer to § 39-8-108.5, C.R.S.
  • Remit to the treasurer all fees collected to date, and an itemized statement of the fees. Reconcile the statement with the assessor’s collection register.
  • See Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties at the beginning of this chapter.

Administration Team Tasks

  • Prepare out-of-state ownership list for Department of Revenue by the end of the month. The report deadline is June 1.
  • See Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties at the beginning of this chapter.

Appraisal Team Tasks

Real Property
  • Continue physical inspection of properties as required, report findings and recommendations for adjustment/denial and hear protests as assigned.
  • See Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties at the beginning of this chapter.
Personal Property
  • Complete processing Personal Property Declaration Schedules.
  • Perform a physical audit of best information available and suspect accounts if included in the county plan.
  • Perform market analyses as appropriate.
  • Analyzes data for best information available valuations.
  • See Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties at the beginning of this chapter.

June – Statutory Deadlines and Duties

1Out-of-state ownership list due to Department of Revenue§ 39-5-102(3)
8Last day for property owners to mail or deliver protests on real property (except producing mines and oil and gas).§ 39-5-121(1)
§ 39-5-122(1), (2)
8Protest hearings on real property conclude.§ 39-5-122(1), (4)
1Administrator provides a list of pending applications for property tax exemptions to county assessors, treasurers, and boards of commissioners§ 39-2-117(1)(a)(III)
15Apportionment of drill rig value furnished to owners and each county in which the rig was located in the preceding year.§ 39-5-113.3(2)
15Notices of value for personal property, drilling rigs, and all producing natural resources property are mailed or, upon written request of taxpayer, e-mailed.§ 20, art. X, COLO. CONST.
§ 39-5-113.3(2)
§ 39-5-121(1.5), (1.7)
§ 39-6-111.5
§ 39-7-102.5
15Protest hearings on personal property, drilling rigs, and all producing natural resources property begin.§ 39-5-122(1)
§ 39-6-111.5
§ 39-7-102.5
Last working day in JuneNotices of Determination on real property protests are mailed. (For counties that use the alternate protest and appeal procedure, the deadline is August 15 for both real and personal property.)§ 39-5-122(2)
§ 39-5-122.7
30Taxpayer mails or delivers protest of value of personal property, drilling rigs, and all producing natural resources property§ 39-5-121(1.5)(a)
§ 39-5-122
Prior to July 1New political subdivisions file formation documents with assessor and commissioners if they wish to levy in current year.§ 39-1-110(1)
Prior to July 1In the case of an election, special districts must record the court order for inclusion prior to July 1 in order to levy a tax against the included property in the current year.§ 39-1-110(1.5)
 All fees collected are turned in to the treasurer.§ 30-1-112

Out-of-State Ownership Listing

The assessor must produce and deliver to the Department of Revenue a list of the names and addresses of all nonresidents of the state who own real or personal property within the county.

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration Team, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.

Administration Team Tasks

Protest Period – Last Day for Real Property Protests

Valuation and classification protests to the assessor must be postmarked or delivered no later than June 8.

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration and Appraisal Teams, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Sign and mail letters to property owners who did not timely file protests.
  • Assign physical inspections as needed.
  • Review and make final decisions on recommendations of Appraisal Team regarding each protest.

Administration Team Tasks

  • Date stamp real property protests delivered in person after June 8.
  • Staple postmarked envelopes to protests that were postmarked after June 8.
  • Notify real property owners who did not timely file a protest that their protest will not be considered, a Notice of Determination will not be issued, and that the only remaining administrative remedy is to file a petition for abatement or refund of taxes after receipt of the tax bill.
    NOTE: Issuing Notices of Determination on protests that were not timely filed reopens the property owners’ rights to appeal to the CBOE.

Appraisal Team Tasks

Real Property
  • Continue to physically inspect properties as required, and report findings for adjustment/denial.
  • Input adjustments, denials, and change the assessment roll.

Drilling Rig Value Apportionment

The first Colorado county in which a drilling rig was operated, stored, or maintained during the previous calendar year is known as the county of original assessment. The assessor of the county of original assessment determines the value of the drilling rig, apportions the value between the counties in which the drilling rig was located during the preceding year based on the owner’s drilling rig log, and mails or delivers a copy of the drilling log and the value apportionment to the assessor of each Colorado county in which the rig was located. A copy of the value apportionment is mailed to the rig owner.

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration and Appraisal Teams, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.

Administration Team Tasks

  • Apportion the value of the drilling rig between the counties in which the rig was located in the preceding year based on the owner’s drilling rig log.
  • Mails or delivers the value apportionment and copy of the drilling log to the assessor of each Colorado County in which the rig was located in the preceding year.
  • Enter the apportioned value for both the county of original assessment rigs as well as the values for rigs apportioned by other counties to the assessment roll.

Appraisal Team Tasks

  • Determine the value of your county of original assessment drilling rigs to be apportioned.

Personal Property – NOV Mailing Deadline

No later than June 15, the assessor must mail an approved Notice of Valuation and Protest Form to each personal property owner. Upon the taxpayer’s request, the NOV may be sent electronically. For personal property located on oil and gas leaseholds and lands, the Notice of Valuation and Protest Form is mailed or e-mailed to the operator who filed the declaration schedule, §§ 39-5-121(1.5)(b) and (1.7), C.R.S.

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration and Appraisal Teams, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Ensure that Notices of Valuation are postmarked no later than June 15.

Administration Team Tasks

  • Run and review Notice of Valuation preview report for errors.
  • Run control totals on new valuations.
  • Provide for electronic transmission of those NOVs requested by taxpayers.
  • Print Notices of Valuation, sort, and prepare for mailing by June 15.

Appraisal Team Tasks

Personal Property
  • Prepare copies of personal property market analyses for distribution to property owners who protested, if applicable.
  • Return records to filing cabinets and prepare meeting areas for protest hearings.

Personal Property Protest Period

From June 15 through July 5, the assessor hears all objections and protests concerning personal property, county of original assessment drilling rigs, and all producing natural resources property.

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration and Appraisal Teams, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Hear taxpayer protests on the valuation of personal property, and review and make final decisions on recommendations of Appraisal Team on each protest.
  • Assign physical inspections as needed.

Administration Team Tasks

  • Greet the public, provide general information on the protest process, and log protests.
  • Log telephone calls and provide general information.
  • Date stamp mailed protests as received.

Appraisal Team Tasks

Personal Property
  • Physically inspect property as required, record data, and recommend adjustments/ denials.
  • Hear and/or review protests, prepare documentation, and recommend adjustments/ denials.
  • Input corrections to property characteristics file.
  • Input adjustments, denials, and change assessment roll.

Personal Property Protest Mailing Deadline

Personal property protests must be postmarked or delivered no later than June 30 to be considered timely filed. This includes protests on producing natural resources property.

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration Team, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Sign and mail letters to property owners who did not timely file their protests.

Administration Team Tasks

  • Staple envelopes to protests that are postmarked after June 30.
  • Notify personal property owners who did not timely file a protest that their protest will not be considered, a Notice of Determination will not be issued, and that the only remaining administrative remedy is to file a petition for abatement or refund of taxes after receipt of the tax bill.
    NOTE: Issuing a Notice of Determination on protests that were not timely filed reopens the property owners’ rights to appeal to the CBOE.

NODs for Real Property Protests – Mailing Deadline

The assessor must complete and mail two copies of the Notice of Determination to each property owner who filed a protest for real property. If the assessor does not adjust the property value as a result of the protest, the basis of the decision must be included on the notice. For counties using the alternate protest and appeal procedure, the deadline for mailing Notices of Determination is August 15.

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration and Appraisal Teams, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Ensure that Notices of Determination are mailed no later than the last working day of June unless using the alternate protest and appeal procedure.
  • Prepare summary of real property protests for the assessor’s presentation to the CBOE.

Administration Team Tasks

  • Obtain adequate postage to mail Notices of Determination.

Appraisal Team Tasks

Real Property
  • Complete physical inspections, make recommendations to management, and input adjustments.
  • Complete determinations for real property protests.
  • Verify that all adjustments and denials have been input, run Notices of Determination, spot check notices for accuracy, and prepare for mailing prior to the last working day in June.

Deadline for New Political Subdivisions

New political subdivisions wishing to levy in the current assessment year must notify the assessor and the county commissioners that the political subdivision is organized prior to July 1.

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration and Appraisal Teams, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.

Administration Team Tasks

Appraisal Team Tasks

Real Property
  • Update neighborhood and economic area narratives to reflect services provided by new political subdivisions.

Special Districts’ Deadline for Inclusion Election

Taxing entities that make boundary changes through the election process must file the required documents with the clerk and recorder by July 1 for the change to be effective in the current assessment year.

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration and Appraisal Teams, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.

Administration Team Tasks

  • Ensure that inclusion documents were timely filed.
  • Develop new tax area codes as necessary.
  • Input new tax area coding as necessary.
  • Verify proper tax area coding on assessment records and computer tables.
  • Change parcel maps as necessary.

Appraisal Team Tasks

Real Property
  • Update neighborhood and economic area narratives to reflect new services provided to properties included in special districts.

June – Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration and Appraisal Teams, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Review list of appeals to CBOE, and assign staff responsible for preparing and presenting cases on real and personal property appeals.
  • Begin preparing report on total real property valuation, real property protests and the status/outcome of each case, best information available assessments on personal property, and the status/outcome of each personal property protest.
  • Begin gathering data for budget planning, i.e., staff education requirements, appraiser test and licensing fees, vendor prices, etc. (Upon request, the Division will provide assistance on the budgeting process.)
  • Prepare and present errors/adjustments that need to be made by the CBOE.
  • Remit to the treasurer all fees collected to date, and an itemized statement of fees. Reconcile the statement with the assessor’s collection register.
  • Review the treasurer’s delinquent tax sale list against the Administrator’s June 1 report of pending applications for exemption. Remove all properties from the list for which an application for exemption is pending with the Division of Property Taxation, § 39-2-117(1)(a), C.R.S.
    For exemption applications filed after June 1 of each year, the applicant is responsible for notifying the county treasurer in writing of the pending application to prevent the property from being sold at the tax sale.
  • See Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties at the beginning of this chapter.

Administration Team Tasks

  • See Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties at the beginning of this chapter.

Appraisal Team Tasks

Real Property

Personal Property

July – Statutory Deadlines and Duties

1CBOE begins hearing appeals of assessor’s determinations. (For counties that elect to use the alternate protest and appeal procedure, the CBOE hearings begin on September 1.)§ 39-8-104
1Applications for veteran with a disability exemptions are submitted to the county assessor. Applications bearing a postmark of July 1 are considered timely filed. The county assessor may accept applications until August 1 if the applicant can show good cause. The assessor reviews the applications for approval/denial of disability and property requirements. Surviving spouse of a prequalifying veteran with a disability may apply for the same exemption for the same property used as their primary residence. Application is to the county assessor where the property is located, no later than July 1.§ 39-3-203(1.5)(a.5)
§ 39-3-205(1)(b)
§ 39-3-206
§ 39-3-206(1.5)(a)
§ 39-3-206(2)(a.7)
1State assessed valuations are sent to assessors. Protests on state assessed values begin.§ 39-4-107
§ 39-4-108(4)
By July 15 or September 15Report to CBOE the total assessed value of all taxable property, and submit a list of all real and personal property protests, the status/outcome of each protest, a list of movable equipment apportionments, and a list of owners who failed to return a Personal Property Declaration Schedule. For counties that elect to use the alternate protest and appeal procedure, the report deadline is September 15.§ 39-8-105
5Protest hearings on personal property, drilling rigs, and producing natural resources property conclude.§ 39-5-122(4)
10Notices of Determination on personal property, drilling rigs, and all producing natural resources property are mailed.§ 39-5-122(2)
15Last day for assessor and BOCC to protest valuations of state assessed property.§ 39-4-108(1), (2)
15Last day property owners can file real property appeal with CBOE. (For counties that use the alternate protest and appeal procedure, the deadline is September 15.)§ 39-8-106(1)(a)
15Residential real property owners mail or deliver Senior Citizen Exemption applications to assessor. (Applications bearing a postmark of July 15 are considered timely filed. The assessor must accept late applications through August 15.)§ 39-3-205
§ 39-3-206
15Last day for late qualified senior primary residential classification applications to be postmarked or delivered.§ 39-1-104.6(7)(b)(II)
15Last day for protestor of rent-producing commercial real property to provide the assessor the information described in § 39-8-107(5)(a)(I), C.R.S. This deadline pertains only to counties implementing the alternative protest period.§ 39-5-122(2.5)
20Last day property owners can file personal property appeal with CBOE.§ 39-8-106(1)(a)
 All fees collected are turned in to the treasurer.§ 30-1-112

CBOE Begins Hearing Appeals

Property owners who disagree with the assessor’s determination may appeal to the CBOE. The CBOE begins hearing appeals on July 1 and continues through August 5.

Taxpayers protesting rent producing commercial real property are required to submit income data as described in § 39-8-107(5)(a)(I), C.R.S., to the assessor no later than July 15. This requirement is only for taxpayers filing protests in counties using the alternate protest period, § 39-5-122(2.5), C.R.S.

For counties using the alternate protest and appeal procedure, the CBOE begins hearing appeals on September 1, §§ 39-5-122.7 and 39-8-104(2), C.R.S.

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Appraisal Team, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Review list of CBOE appeals, and assign staff responsible for preparing and presenting cases to CBOE on real and personal property.

Appraisal Team Tasks

  • Prepare and present cases to CBOE as assigned.

Veteran With A Disability Exemption Application Deadline

Veterans with a disability must mail or deliver a completed exemption application to the their county assessor by July 1. Only applications that are approved by the county assessor will be considered for exemption. The county assessor may accept applications until August 1 if the applicant can show good cause for missing the July 1 deadline.

The surviving spouse of a prequalifying veteran with a disability may apply for the same exemption for the same property used as their primary residence. Application is to the county assessor where the property is located by July 1. The county assessor may accept applications until August 1 (not statutory) if the applicant can show good cause for missing the July 1 deadline.

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration Team, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Discuss with staff the procedures for flagging exempted properties.

Administration Team Tasks

  • Verify qualifications for applications received from the owner. Flag exempted properties. Notify owners of properties that do not meet the required qualifications.

State Assessed NOVS Mailed by Administrator

The Administrator sends Notices of Valuation for state assessed property to assessors and the owners of state assessed property. The assessor is required to enter the value of state assessed property on the assessment roll.

Management Team Tasks

  • Review state assessed company valuations and county apportionment. Protests of state assessed values and/or apportionment must be filed before July 15.

Protest Hearings on Personal Property Conclude

Although personal property protests must be filed by June 30, hearings continue through July 5.

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration and Appraisal Teams, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Hear taxpayer protests on the valuation of personal property, and review and make final decisions on recommendations of Appraisal Team on each protest.
  • Assign physical inspections as needed.
  • Review and make final decisions on recommendations provided by the Appraisal Team on each personal property protest.

Administration Team Tasks

  • Input adjustments, denials, and change the assessment roll.
  • Date stamp personal property protests that are delivered after the filing deadline.
  • Notify personal property owners who did not timely file a protest that the protest will not be considered, a Notice of Determination will not be issued, and that the only remaining administrative remedy is to file a petition for abatement or refund of taxes after receipt of the tax bill.
    NOTE: Issuing a Notice of Determination on protests that were not timely filed reopens the property owners’ rights to appeal to the CBOE.

Appraisal Team Tasks

Personal Property
  • Complete valuation recommendations and input changes.

Deadline for Mailing Personal Property NODs

On or before July 10, the assessor must mail two copies of the Notice of Determination to owners who protested the value of their personal property.

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration and Appraisal Teams, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Ensure that Notices of Determination are mailed no later than July 10.
  • Prepare summary of personal property protests for the assessor’s presentation to CBOE.

Administration Team Tasks

  • Obtain adequate postage to mail Notices of Determination.
  • Verify that all adjustments and denials have been input, run Notices of Determination, spot check Notices of Determination for accuracy, and prepare NODs for mailing by July 10.

Appraisal Team Tasks

  • Complete review of protests, make recommendations, and input changes to value.

Assessor’s Report to CBOE on Taxable Property

By July 15 the assessor must compile and report to the CBOE the assessed value of all taxable property in the county, and submit a list of all real and personal property protests, the status/outcome of each protest, a list of movable equipment apportionments, and a list of owners who failed to return a Personal Property Declaration Schedule.

The residential assessment rate will not be determined until after August 25. The report will be based on the assumption that the 2024 to 2025 statewide actual value growth will be less than or equal to 5%.

For counties that use the alternate protest and appeal procedure, the report deadline is September 15, §§ 39-5-122.7 and 39-8-105(1), C.R.S.

Management Team Tasks

  • Report to the CBOE the total valuation of all taxable property and submit a list of all real and personal property protests, the status/outcome of each protest, a list of movable equipment apportionments, and a list of owners who failed to return a Personal Property Declaration Schedule, on July 15.

State Assessed Protest Period Ends

County assessors and commissioners may protest the state assessed value or apportionment of value on or before July 15.

Management Team Tasks

  • Prepare and present protests to Administrator before July 15.

Senior Citizen Property Tax Exemption Application Mailing Deadline

Senior citizen exemption applications must be postmarked no later than July 15 to be considered timely filed. If an individual wishes to claim the exemption but has not timely filed an exemption application with the assessor, the assessor must accept late applications through August 15.

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration Team, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Staple envelopes to application forms that are postmarked after July 15. Submit late applications to the Management Team for further review.
  • Begin reviewing applications to verify owner qualification. Flag accounts that meet the required qualifications. Notify owners that do not meet the required qualifications.

Administration Team Tasks

  • Staple envelopes to application forms that are postmarked after July 15. Submit late applications to the Management Team for further review.
  • Begin reviewing applications to verify owner qualification. Flag accounts that meet the required qualifications. Notify owners that do not meet the required qualifications.

Qualified Senior Primary Residential Classification Application Mailing Deadline

Qualified senior primary residential classification applications are considered late if postmarked or received from March 16 through July 15. 

July – Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration and Appraisal Teams, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Begin evaluating appeal workload.
  • Prepare budget for presentation to BOCC, and verify date of presentation.
  • Develop denial letter for individuals who filed incomplete or non-qualifying senior citizen exemption applications. The letter must include the reason for the denial and the remedies available, should the applicant choose to protest the denial.
  • Remit to the treasurer all fees collected to date, including an itemized statement of the fees. Reconcile the statement with the assessor’s collection register.
  • See Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties at the beginning of this chapter.

Administration Team Tasks

  • Certify to the treasurer the TD-1000 and MHTD penalties for the second quarter of the current year. Certifying this information prior to producing the tax warrant provides the treasurer with unpaid penalty information in the event the property is sold.
  • Review control total reports, verify that all changes in value as a result of protests were input.
  • See Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties at the beginning of this chapter.

Appraisal Team Tasks

August – Statutory Deadlines and Duties

Prior to Aug 1County clerk gives published notice that BOCC, sitting as the CBOE from August 1 to September 1, will hear appeals for denials of senior citizen and veteran with a disability exemptions.§ 39-3-206(2)
1Administrator renders decisions on state assessed property protests.§ 39-4-108(5)
1Final date by which the county assessor will accept applications for a veteran with a disability exemption if applicants show good cause for missing the July 1 deadline.§ 39-3-206(2)(a.7)
 Final date (not statutory) by which the county assessor may accept applications for the surviving spouse of a prequalifying veteran with a disability. 
1BOCC, sitting as the CBOE, begins hearing appeals for denial of senior citizen and veteran with a disability exemptions. (The CBOE may use referees for this task.)§ 39-3-206(2)
1Assessor mails denial notices to residential real property owners who submitted incomplete or non-qualifying senior citizen, veteran with a disability, or surviving spouse of a prequalifying veteran with a disability exemption applications.§ 39-3-203(1.5)(a.5)
§ 39-3-206(1)
§ 39-3-206(1.5)(b)
Not later than August 1Assessor mails denial notices to residential real property owners who submitted incomplete or non-qualifying qualified senior primary residential classification applications. § 39-1-104.6(7)(a)(II)
5CBOE concludes appeal hearings and renders decisions on real and personal property appeals. (For counties that elect to use the alternate protest and appeal procedure, the deadline is November 1.)§ 39-8-107(2)
No later than Aug 15thAssessor must accept senior citizen exemption applications filed by this date if the application is not filed by July 15.§ 39-3-206(2)(a.5)
 Notices of Determination are mailed on real and personal property protests. (For counties that elect to use the alternate protest and appeal procedure.)§ 39-5-122(2)
15Deadline for applicants to request a hearing before the CBOE to contest the assessor’s denial of senior citizen and veteran with a disability exemptions.§ 39-3-206(2)(a)
15Deadline for applicants to request a hearing before the CBOE to contest the assessor's denial of the qualified senior primary residential classification.§ 39-1-104.6(7)(b)(II)
25Abstract of Assessment and aggregate valuations of county, cities, and school districts sent to Administrator. (For counties that use the alternate protest and appeal procedure, the deadline is November 21.)§ 39-2-115(1)
§ 39-5-123
25Assessors report total actual values of the property within a county to the Administrator.

§ 39-1-104.2(1)(e)

§ 39-2-115

25Certification of valuations to taxing entities, the Department of Education, and the Division of Local Government.§ 39-5-121(2)(a)
§ 39-5-128(1)
25Assessors report assessed values to determine the amount of qualified local share property tax revenue, to the Administrator.§ 29-1-1702.5(4)(a)(I)(B)(II)
 Budget preparation/justification/presentation.§§ 29-1-103, 105
 All fees collected are turned in to the treasurer.§ 30-1-112

Administrator Renders Decisions on State Assessed Property Protests

The Administrator must render written decisions on state assessed property protests no later than August 1. The Administrator’s decisions are mailed to the appropriate county assessors and state assessed companies.

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration Team, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Verify that adjustments in value made by the Administrator as a result of protests are input.
  • Review tax area apportionments for accuracy.

Administration Team Tasks

  • Distribute value of state assessed property to the appropriate tax areas based on locational data supplied by the state assessed company. Check the sum of each state assessed company’s value distribution(s) to ensure that all distribution(s) match the value apportioned to the county by the Administrator. (Refer to Chapter 11, State Assessed Property.)
  • Input distributed valuations to assessment roll.

CBOE Concludes Hearings

The CBOE must conclude appeal hearings for real and personal property and render decisions no later than August 5. CBOE decisions must be mailed within five business days after the decision was rendered.

For counties that use the alternate protest and appeal procedure, the CBOE concludes appeal hearings for real and personal property and renders decisions no later than November 1, §§ 39-5-122.7 and 39-8-107(2), C.R.S.

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration and Appraisal Teams, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Review CBOE orders.

Administration Team Tasks

  • Run abstract reports by subclass, school district, city, and town before changes ordered by the CBOE are entered.

Appraisal Team Tasks

  • Change assessment roll and appraisal records to reflect changes ordered by the CBOE.

Auditor Submits Preliminary Report

The annual study auditor must furnish each county assessor with the preliminary results of the audit.

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of task detailed for the Appraisal Team, review the status of task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Review data used by the auditor, compare with the data gathered and analyzed by the appraisers, and note any discrepancies.
  • Contact annual study auditor regarding any discrepancies and resolve before the auditor’s final report is issued on September 15.

Appraisal Team Tasks

Real Property
  • Review data in the audit report, verify data, and note any discrepancies.

Denial of Senior Citizen and Veteran with a Disability Exemption Applications

The assessor mails a denial letter to individuals who filed incomplete or non-qualifying senior citizen, veteran with a disability, or surviving spouse of a prequalifying veteran with a disability exemption applications. The letter must include the reason for the denial and the remedies available, should the applicant choose to protest the denial.

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration Team, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Review report of residential real property owners who filed incomplete or non-qualifying exemption applications.
  • Provide final report to BOCC. Review denials with BOCC in preparation for appeal hearings.

Administration Team Tasks

  • Run report of residential real property owners who filed incomplete or non-qualifying exemption applications.
  • Verify report data.
  • Finalize denial letter.
  • Prepare letters for mailing.

Denial of Qualified Senior Primary Residential Classification Applications

The assessor mails a denial letter to individuals who filed incomplete or non-qualifying qualified senior primary residential classification applications. The letter must include the reason for the denial and the remedies available, should the applicant choose to protest the denial.

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration Team, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Review report of residential real property owners who filed incomplete or non-qualifying exemption applications.
  • Provide final report to BOCC. Review denials with BOCC in preparation for appeal hearings.

Administration Team Tasks

  • Run report of residential real property owners who filed incomplete or non-qualifying exemption applications.
  • Verify report data.
  • Finalize denial letter.
  • Prepare letters for mailing. 

Real and Personal Property NOD Mailing Deadline for Countries That Use the Alternate Protest and Appeal Procedure

For counties that use the alternate protest and appeal procedure, the assessor must complete and mail two copies of the Notice of Determination to each property owner who protested the value or classification of real property and to each property owner who protested the value of personal property. If the assessor denies the protest, the reason(s) for the decision must be included on the notice.

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration and Appraisal Teams, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Ensure that Notices of Determination are mailed no later than August 15.
  • Prepare a summary of real property protests for the assessor’s presentation to the CBOE.

Administration Team Tasks

  • Obtain adequate postage to mail Notices of Determination.

Appraisal Team Tasks

Real Property
  • Complete physical inspections, make recommendations to management team, and input adjustments.
  • Complete recommendations/determinations for real property protests.
  • Verify that all adjustments and denials have been input, run Notices of Determination, spot check notices for accuracy, and prepare for mailing by August 15.

Abstract of Assessment Report

The assessor must complete and file the Abstract of Assessment (abstract) to the Administrator no later than August 25. The assessor must also file a report of the total actual value of property within the county. The residential assessment rate for 2025 and forward will be determined from the total actual value reports. For counties that elected to use the alternate protest and appeal procedure, the Division requests a preliminary abstract no later than August 25, followed by a final abstract no later than November 21. Abstract reports that are improperly completed or out of balance may be returned to the county assessor.

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration Team, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Review Abstract of Assessment for accuracy. Verify CBOE adjustments, and the value of new construction and demolition.
  • Review balancing procedures with appropriate staff.

Administration Team Tasks

  • Run abstract reports by subclass, school district, city, and town both before and after CBOE adjustments are entered.
  • Input valuations, unit counts, CBOE adjustments, and value of new construction/demolition into the Division’s online Abstract of Assessment system.
  • Verify that the total value of the property class pages +/- CBOE adjustments EQUALS the school district total value unless the county or a school district exempts all or a portion of personal property, and that the state assessed total matches the final report of state assessed values. (Refer to Chapter 7, Abstract, Certification, and Tax Warrant.)
  • Print three copies of the abstract and submit to the Management Team for review and signature by the assessor and the chair of the BOCC.
  • Retain one paper copy of the abstract.
  • Send two paper copies of the abstract to the Division.

Certification of Values to Taxing Entities

The assessor is required to certify to each taxing entity the total assessed value of property within the entity’s boundaries, and the value attributable to new construction, annexation, inclusion, increased production of mines and oil and gas, and federal property that has become taxable. Assessors should certify to all entities, including those that did not levy for property tax the previous year.

For counties that use the alternate protest and appeal procedure, the assessor certifies values as of August 25, without CBOE adjustments. Changes in value that occur after August 25 are reflected in the December recertification.

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration Team, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Review certification forms and letters for accuracy before mailing.

Administration Team Tasks

  • Verify and update taxing entity data such as address and contact person.
  • Run certification reports (with CBOE adjustments) by taxing entity.
  • Compile data needed to complete the certification of values form (DLG 57).
    (Refer to Chapter 7, Abstract, Certification, and Tax Warrant.)
  • Verify that the total value of the county equals the total value of the school district, unless the county or a school district exempts all or a portion of personal property.
  • Verify that the abstract values balance with the certification values.
    (Refer to Chapter 7, Abstract, Certification, and Tax Warrant.)
  • Write certification letters to entities indicating the date by which the entities must certify levies to the BOCC. Mail letters to individual entities.
  • Complete certification of values form (DLG 57) for each entity. Mail certification of values forms for cities, counties, and special districts to the Division of Local Government by August 25. Mail certification of values forms for school districts to the Department of Education by August 25.
    NOTE: The certification letter may include the information provided on the DLG 57 form or a copy of the completed certification of values form (DLG 57) may be included with a cover letter detailing the certification of levy deadline.

Qualified Local Share Property Tax Revenue Report

The assessor must report the assessed value for each school district in the county to determine the amount of qualified local share property tax revenue to the Administrator no later than August 25. 

The report consists of the following data for each school district in the county. 

  • Total assessed value.
  • Increased valuation of new construction.
  • Increased valuation for annexations/inclusions.
  • Increased valuation for classification changes due to change in law.
  • Increased valuation for assessment for taxes received last year on omitted property.
  • Increased valuation for assessment for taxes abated and refunded.
  • Increased valuation for assessment for previously exempt property.
  • Increased valuation for producing mines.
  • Increased valuation for assessment of oil and gas leaseholds or land.
  • Revenue increase due to the expiration of incremental tax revenues diverted for TIF.

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of report, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary. 
  • Review report for accuracy. 

Budget Preparation/Justification/Presentation

Detailed preparation, adequate justification, and an effective presentation can benefit the assessor in budget negotiations with the county commissioners.

Management Team Tasks

  • Review status of budget for the current and previous year.
  • Discuss fiscal needs for subsequent year. Review items such as staff education requirements, appraiser testing and licensing fees, vendor prices, supplies, and forms. (The Division will provide budgeting assistance upon request.)
  • Prepare proposed budget, narrative, and presentation for BOCC.

Senior Citizen and Veteran With A Disability Exemption Applications Filed Late

If the application for the senior citizen exemption is not filed by July 15, the assessor must accept late applications through August 15; however, applicants will not have appeal rights for applications filed after July 15, § 39-3-206(2)(a.5), C.R.S.

The county assessor is authorized to accept late applications for the surviving spouse of a prequalifying veteran with a disability filed on or before August 1, if the applicant shows good cause for missing the July 1 deadline (not statutory).

The county assessor is authorized by § 39-3-206(2)(a.7), C.R.S., to accept late applications for the veteran with a disability exemption filed on or before August 1, if the applicant shows good cause for missing the July 1 deadline. (Refer to Late Applications in Chapter 3, Specific Assessment Procedures.)


  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration Team, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Train staff on reviewing late applications.

August - Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties

Administration Team Tasks

  • Review late applications to verify owner qualifications. Flag accounts that qualify for the exemption. Notify owners of properties that are not qualified for the exemption.

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration and Appraisal Teams, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Review building permits to ascertain number and location of new structures, remodels, and additions constructed since January 1 that must be inspected. Review ratio studies to identify areas where values may require adjustment. Review property inspection plan to establish review areas. Using this data, plan real property appraisers’ assignments, routes, and deadlines to complete work by April 1.
  • Prepare appraisal plan for following year.
  • Remit to the treasurer all fees collected to date, including an itemized statement of the fees. Reconcile the statement with the assessor’s collection register.
  • Verify requirements for submitting electronic data to the Administrator pertaining to the senior citizen, veteran with a disability, and surviving spouse of a prequalifying veteran with a disability exemptions. Review requirements with computer vendor or information technology staff.
  • See Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties at the beginning of this chapter.

Administration Team Tasks

  • Input address changes for state assessed companies.
  • Establish method to identify and track changes in value that occur after certification and will affect recertification.
  • See Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties at the beginning of this chapter.

Appraisal Team Tasks

September – Statutory Deadlines and Duties

1BOCC, sitting as the CBOE, concludes hearings on denials of senior citizen, veteran with a disability, and surviving spouse of prequalifying veteran with a disability exemptions.§ 39-3-206(2)
1BOCC, sitting as the CBOE, concludes hearings on denials of qualified senior primary residential classification.§ 39-1-104.6(7)(b)(I)
1CBOE begins hearing real and personal appeals of assessor’s determinations. (For counties that elect to use the alternate protest and appeal procedure.)§ 39-8-104(2)(a)
10Assessor submits to the Administrator a report of approved senior citizen and all related veteran with a disability exemptions.§ 39-3-207(1)
Not later than September 10Assessor submits to the Administrator a report of approved qualified senior primary residential classifications.§ 39-1-104.6(8)
No later than Sept 15thFor counties that elect to use the alternate protest and appeal procedure, the assessor must compile and report to the CBOE the assessed value of all taxable property in the county, and submit a list of all real and personal property protests, the status/outcome of each protest, a list of movable equipment apportionments, and a list of owners who failed to return a Personal Property Declaration Schedule§ 39-8-105
15Final date by which property owners may appeal to CBOE. (For counties that elected to use the alternate protest and appeal procedure.)§ 39-8-106(1)(a)
15Due date for auditor’s final report.§ 39-1-104(16)(a)
No later than Sept 15thEach treasurer shall report to the Administrator the property tax revenue reductions commencing on January 1, 2023 and the increase in assessed value from property tax year 2022 to 2023.§ 39-3-210(2.5)(a)
 All fees collected are turned in to the treasurer.§ 30-1-112

CBOE Begins Hearing Appeals

For counties that elected to use the alternate protest and appeal procedure, the CBOE begins hearing appeals on September 1 and continues through November 1.

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Appraisal Team, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Review list of CBOE appeals and assign appropriate personnel to prepare and present cases on real and personal property.

Appraisal Team Tasks

  • Prepare and present cases to CBOE as assigned

CBOE Report on Taxable Property

For counties that use the alternate protest and appeal procedure, by September 15, the assessor must compile and report to the CBOE the assessed value of all taxable property in the county, and submit a list of all real and personal property protests, the status/outcome of each protest, a list of movable equipment apportionments, and a list of owners who failed to return a Personal Property Declaration.

Management Team Tasks

  • On the second Monday of September, report to the CBOE the total valuation of real property in the county and the status/outcome of each real property protest.

Senior Citizen and Veteran With A Disability Exemptions Submitted to Administrator

The report submitted to the Administrator no later than September 10 and must include a statement of the total amount of actual value exempted from taxation, and an itemized list showing the following information for each account that qualified for exemption: the schedule number, the legal description, the name and social security number of the applicant and each person who occupies the property, the taxable and tax exempt value, and other pertinent information. (Refer to Chapter 3, Specific Assessment Procedures.)

Qualified Senior Primary Residential Classifications Submitted to Administrator

The report submitted to the Administrator no later than September 10 must include a statement of the total amount of actual value exempted from taxation, and an itemized list showing the following information for each account that qualified for the classification; the schedule number, the legal description, the name and social security number of the applicant and each person who occupies the property, the taxable and tax exempt value, and other pertinent information. (Refer to Chapter 3, Specific Assessment Procedures.) 

Auditors Submits Final Report

The final report of the annual audit must be submitted to the general assembly and the state board by September 15.

Management Team Tasks

  • Review final report to verify that any agreed upon changes were incorporated in the report.
  • Write media release detailing the results of the annual audit.
  • Prepare presentation to state board, if necessary.

Management Team Tasks

  • Coordinate data submission with computer vendor or information technology staff.
  • Verify that the required data is submitted by deadline.

September – Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration and Appraisal Teams, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Estimate the number of Personal Property Declaration Schedules (DS 056, DS 058, DS 060, DS 155, DS 618, DS 628, DS 648, DS 654, DS 656, and DS 658) required for next year and order from the appropriate vendor. To obtain additional information from the Department of Revenue see §§ 39-21-113(7) and (10), C.R.S. (Refer to ARL Volume 5, PERSONAL PROPERTY VALUATION MANUAL, Chapter 2, Discovery, Listing, and Classification.)
  • Remit to the treasurer all fees collected to date, and an itemized statement of the fees. Reconcile the statement with the assessor’s collection register.
  • See Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties at the beginning of this chapter.

Administration Team Tasks

Appraisal Team Tasks

Real Property
  • Review supplementary sales confirmation letters, continue market adjustment and depreciation analysis, and code transactions accordingly.
  • Begin preliminary sales analysis for the intervening year.
  • See Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties at the beginning of this chapter.
Personal Property

October – Statutory Deadlines and Duties

15County budget must be completed by budget officer and submitted to BOCC.§ 29-1-105
Not later than October 31The Administrator reports school district assessed values to determine the amount of qualified local share property tax revenue to Legislative Council Staff. § 29-1-1702.5(4)(b)(II)
 All fees collected are turned in to the treasurer.§ 30-1-112

Budget Completed and Submitted to BOCC

Management Team Tasks

  • Review final budget.

Administrator Report to Legislative Council Staff

Administrator reports to Legislative Council Staff the assessed values for each school district, by county, as reported by assessors no later than August 25. 

October – Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration and Appraisal Teams, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Certify to the county treasurer the TD-1000 penalties for the third quarter of the current year. Certifying this information provides the treasurer with unpaid penalty information in the event the property sells.
  • Remit to the treasurer all fees collected to date, including an itemized statement of the fees. Reconcile the statement with the assessor’s collection register.
  • See Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties at the beginning of this chapter.

Administration Team Tasks

Appraisal Team Tasks

November – Statutory Deadlines and Duties

1CBOE concludes hearings on real and personal property. (For counties that use the alternate protest and appeal procedure.)§ 39-8-107(2)
1Administrator provides notice of denial to applicants who claimed more than one senior citizen or veteran with a disability exemption as married couples, an exemption on property that the applicant does not own and occupy as primary residence, or applicant is otherwise ineligible to claim an exemption.§ 39-3-207(2)(a)(I)
No later than November 1Administrator provides notice of denial to applicants who claimed more than one qualified senior primary residential classification as a married couple, on property that the applicant does not own and occupy as primary residence, or applicant is otherwise ineligible to claim an exemption.§ 39-104.6(8)(b)(I)
15Applicants denied the senior citizen or veteran with a disability exemption by the Administrator may file written protest with Administrator.§ 39-3-207(2)(a)(II)
No later than November 15Applicants denied the qualified senior primary residential classification by the Administrator may file a written protest with Administrator.§ 39-1-104.6(8)(b)(II)
21Assessor sends Abstract of Assessment and aggregate valuations of county, cities, and school districts to the Administrator. (For counties that use the alternate protest and appeal procedure.)§ 39-5-123
 All fees collected are turned in to the treasurer.§ 30-1-112

CBOE Concludes Hearings

For counties that use the alternate protest and appeal procedure, the CBOE must conclude hearings for real and personal property appeals and render decisions no later than November 1. Written decisions of the CBOE must be mailed to property owners or agents within five business days from the date decisions are rendered.

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration and Appraisal Teams, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Review CBOE orders.

Administration Team Tasks

  • Run abstract reports by subclass before CBOE changes are entered.

Appraisal Team Tasks

  • Change the assessment roll and appraisal records to reflect adjustments ordered by the CBOE.

Abstract of Assessment Sent to Administrator

For counties that use the alternate protest and appeal procedure, the assessor must complete and file the Abstract of Assessment to the Administrator no later than November 21. Abstracts that are improperly completed or out of balance may be returned to the county assessor.

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration Team, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Review Abstract of Assessment for accuracy, verify changes ordered by the CBOE, new construction and demolition data. The assessor and BOCC chair must sign two copies.

Administration Team Tasks

  • Run abstract reports by subclass and school district, both before CBOE adjustments are entered and after CBOE adjustments are entered.
  • Input valuations and unit counts, CBOE changes, and new construction/demolition values into the Division’s online Abstract of Assessment system.
  • Print three copies of the abstract and submit to the Management Team for review and signature by the assessor and the chair of the BOCC.
  • Retain one paper copy and an electronic copy of the abstract.
  • Send two paper copies and an electronic copy of the abstract to the Division.

November – Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration and Appraisal Teams, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Remit to the treasurer all fees collected to date, and an itemized statement of the fees. Reconcile the statement with the assessor’s collection register.
  • See Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties at the beginning of this chapter.

Administration Team Tasks

Appraisal Team Tasks

December – Statutory Deadlines and Duties

1Administrator notifies assessors of senior citizen and veteran with a disability exemptions that were denied due to any reason the applicant does not qualify for the exemption and notify the assessor specifying the reason for denial.§ 39-3-207(2)(b)
No later than December 1Administrator notifies assessors of qualified senior primary residential classifications that were denied and specifies the reason for denial.§ 39-1-104.6(8)(c)
10Assessor recertifies changes in value made since August 25 and notifies the affected entity(ies), the Division of Local Government, and the Department of Education.§ 39-1-111(5)
15Inactive special districts file a notice of inactive status.§ 32-1-104(3)(a)
15Entities intending to certify a levy for the current tax year must certify the levy to BOCC.§ 22-40-102(1), (3)
§ 39-5-128(1)
15Assessor submits report of destroyed property eligible for reimbursement from the state§ 39-1-123(2)(a)(II)
22BOCC, or authorized party, completes the certification of levies report, and transmits the report to the assessor, the Administrator, the Division of Local Government, and the Department of Education.§ 39-1-111(1), (2)
22BOCC, or authorized party, shall provide the local government tax rate information to the Administrator and the Division of Local Government.§ 39-1-125(1)(a)
 All fees collected are turned in to the treasurer.§ 30-1-112

Notice of Denied Senior Citizen or Veteran With A Disability Exemption

The Administrator examines the reports submitted by each assessor, and identifies applicants who filed more than one exemption as married couples, an exemption on property that the applicant does not own and occupy as primary residence, or applicant is otherwise ineligible to claim an exemption. The Administrator provides written notice to the assessor to remove ineligible or illegal exemptions.

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration Team, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.

Administrative Team Tasks

  • Review report from Administrator and flag property owners who filed illegal applications. These applicants will not receive the senior citizen or veteran with a disability exemption on any of the properties listed in the report.
  • Retain Administrator’s report.

Recertification to Taxing Entities

The assessor must recertify to each taxing entity any changes in value made after the August 25 certification of value. The taxing entities must adjust their mill levies accordingly.

The time frame between the recertification deadline and the deadline for certifying mill levies is short. In an effort to assist the taxing entities, the Division recommends that assessors recertify values by December 1.

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration Team, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Review balancing procedures.
  • Review recertification forms and letters for accuracy before mailing.
  • Discuss with staff the importance of NOT changing any values until after the tax warrant is compiled, balanced, and delivered to the treasurer.

Administration Team Tasks

  • Run certification reports by taxing entity.
  • Determine changes in value for each taxing entity that occurred between the August 25 certification date and the current date.
  • Verify that the total value of the county EQUALS the total value of the school district, unless the county or a school district exempts all or a portion of personal property.
    Verify that the abstract and certification values balance with the recertification values. Differences between the certification of values and the recertification of values should be documented. (Refer to Chapter 7, Abstract, Certification, and Tax Warrant.)
  • Write recertification letters to entities indicating the date by which the entities must certify levies to BOCC. Mail letters to individual entities.
  • Complete certification of values forms (DLG 57) for each entity. Mail certification of values forms to cities, counties, and special districts to the Division of Local Government by December 10 (preferably by December 1). Mail certification of values forms for school districts to the Department of Education by December 10 (preferably by December 1).
  • Compile list of real property and business personal property accounts that were destroyed during the year. Report to the county treasurer the assessed values of properties eligible for state reimbursement per § 39-1-123, C.R.S.

BOCC Certifies Levies and Levies Taxes

No later than December 22, the county commissioners must levy against the assessed value of all taxable property located in the county on the assessment date.

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration Team, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Check the certified levies for accuracy.

Administration Team Tasks

  • Verify that any new tax areas have been entered into the computer system.
  • Enter levies into computer system.

BOCC Provides Tax Rate Information

No later than December 22, the county commissioners must provide the tax rate information provided by the local governments in their county to the Administrator and the Division of Local Government. 

December – Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties

Management Team Tasks

  • Monitor completion of tasks detailed for the Administration and Appraisal Teams, review the status of each task, and reassign or redefine priorities as necessary.
  • Review most recent publication of Chapter 9, Form Standards, to confirm required components for Notices of Valuation, Protest Forms, Notices of Determination, Special Notices of Valuation and Protest Forms. Determine if forms will be produced in-house or purchased from a printer vendor for the coming year.
  • Coordinate scheduling for personal property declaration processing.
  • Review control totals report prior to generating the tax warrant.
  • Discuss options for mailing the senior citizen and veteran with a disability exemptions, as well as the qualified senior primary residential classification, notices to residential real property owners and coordinate with county treasurer. If language regarding the veteran with a disability, or qualified senior primary residential classification, is not included in the tax bill, assessor must notify veterans in their county no later than May 1.
  • Remit to the treasurer all fees collected to date, including an itemized statement of the fees. Reconcile the statement with the assessor’s collection register.
  • Compile and review approved contracts with outside service providers for the following budget year; make a calendar of specific performance dates; plan and execute a work flow that adheres to these dates.
  • Review and reconcile current year’s budget, identify remaining account balances due, ensure that funds committed in the previous fiscal year are expended by January 31.
  • See Nondate-Specific Statutory Duties at the beginning of this chapter.

Administration Team Tasks

Appraisal Team Tasks

Real Property

Addendum 2-A, Assessment Calendar


January 1, noonAssessment date for all taxable property.§ 39-1-105
January 1, noonLien of general taxes for current year attaches.§ 39-1-107
January 1Property taxes for the prior year become due and payable. Taxes may be paid in full by April 30 or paid in two equal installments, the first installment is due by the last day in February and the second installment is due by June 15.§ 39-10-102(1)(b)(I)
§ 39-10-104.5
January 1Municipal annexations recorded the previous year become effective.§ 31-12-113(3)
As soon after January 1 as practicableAssessors calculate the aggregate value of exempt business personal property.§39-3-119.5(3)(c)(I)
As soon after January 1 as practicableCounty Treasurer calculates the lost revenue to local government entities due to exempt business personal property.§39-3-119.5(3)(c)(II)
As soon after January 1 as practicableAssessor mails or delivers a personal property schedule to appropriate property owners.§ 39-3-119.5
§ 39-5-108
§ 39-5-113.3(1)
As soon after January 1 as practicableTreasurer shall notify all residential real property owners of the senior exemption.§ 39-3-204
As soon after January 1 as practicableTreasurer shall notify all residential real property owners of the qualified senior primary residence real property classification§ 39-1-104.6
10Assessor submits senior and veteran exemption data to Administrator for review.§ 39-3-207(2)(b)
10Assessor delivers tax warrant to treasurer.§ 39-5-129


By February 1Administrator calculates and publishes the percentage increase or decrease in the state’s total valuation of business personal property over the prior two property tax years.§39-3-119.5(3)(b)


By March 1Colorado Forest Service reports to assessor the legal descriptions and owners’ names for those forested parcels eligible for agricultural classification, as well as those parcels that no longer qualify due to non-compliance.§ 39-1-102(4.4)
Not later than March 1Treasurer submits lost property tax revenue report for previous tax year to Administrator who will cross-check for any errors and forward to the state treasurer for reimbursement of business personal property exemptions.§ 39-3-119.5(3)(d)
Not later than March 1Treasurer submits senior citizen and veteran with a disability exemptions report for previous tax year to Administrator who will cross-check for any errors and forward to the state treasurer for reimbursement of property exemptions.§ 39-3-207(3)
Not later than March 1Assessors report to the Administrator the reimbursement amount to any local government who had a decrease in assessed value of real property between year 2022 and 2024.§ 39-3-211(4)
Not later than March 15Residential real property owner's mail or deliver qualified senior primary residential classification applications to the assessor. Applications received or bearing a postmark on or before March 15 are considered timely filed. § 39-1-104.6(7)(b)(II)
Not later than March 20Subdivision developers or agents must return signed, completed subdivision land valuation questionnaires to assessor.§ 39-1-103(14)(d)


Not later than April 1State assessed companies file annual statement with Administrator.§ 39-4-103
Prior or subsequent to April 15Assessor may require additional information from owners of taxable property.§ 39-5-115
Not later than April 15Property owners return personal property schedules to assessor, including works of art display statement, drilling rig valuations, and all producing natural resources property.§ 39-5-108
§ 39-5-113.5(1)
§ 39-6-106
§ 39-6-111.5
§ 39-7-101
Not later than April 15Property owners may request 10 or 20-day extension for filing personal property schedule.§ 39-5-116(1)
Not later than April 15Previously exempted owners of property file report with Administrator and pay filing fee.§ 39-2-117(3)
Not later than April 15Owners and operators of producing mines file statement with the assessor.§ 39-6-106
Not later than April 15Owners and operators of oil and gas leaseholds file statement with assessor. Owners or operators of oil and gas leaseholds and lands must supply requested supporting documentation within 30 days to avoid fines.§ 39-7-101
Not later than April 15State treasurer issues a warrant to each county treasurer for amount needed to reimburse local governments for lost property tax revenue from senior citizen and veterans with a disability exemptions.§ 39-3-207(4)(a)
Not later than April 15State treasurer issues a warrant to each county treasurer that is equal to the amount specified by the Administrator for the county.§ 39-3-119.5(3)(e)
Subsequent to April 15If property owners and operators fail to file declaration schedules, assessor values personal property, producing mines, and oil and gas leaseholds using best information available and imposes a penalty if applicable.§ 39-5-116
§ 39-6-108
§ 39-7-101(1.5)
§ 39-7-104


Prior to May 1Deadline for special districts to record court orders of inclusion in order to levy a tax against the included property in the current year, unless an election is to be held.§ 39-1-110(1.5)
Prior to May 1Deadline for special districts to record court orders of exclusion in order for the exclusion to be effective in the current year.§ 39-1-110(1.8)
On or before May 1Assessor gives public notice of hearings on real and personal property.§ 39-5-122(1)
On or before May 1Assessor makes request to county commissioners to use alternate protest and appeal procedure and notifies BAA and district court. (For counties that elect to use the alternate protest and appeal procedure.)§ 39-5-122.7(1)
Not later than May 1Assessor mails senior citizen and veteran with a disability exemption notices to residential real property owners only if notice was not included in the tax bill.§ 39-3-204
Not later than May 1Deadline for State Board of Land Commissioners to furnish to the assessor a list of state lands sold.§ 36-1-132
Not later than May 1Assessor mails or e-mails (upon request of taxpayer) NOVs for real property, together with a protest form. (Excluding oil and gas leaseholds and lands and producing and non-producing mines.)§ 20, art. X, COLO. CONST.
§ 39-5-121(1), (1.7)
§ 39-6-111.5
§ 39-7-102.5
Beginning on first wkg day after NOVs are mailedAssessor sits to hear objections concerning real property valuations.§ 39-5-122(1)
Not later than last working day in May of year effectiveResults of reappraisal ordered by state board, as a result of a petition for reappraisal from the Administrator, are filed with the Administrator and assessor.§ 39-2-114(3)


By June 1Assessor furnishes to Department of Revenue list of non-residents of state owning property within county.§ 39-5-102(3)
Not later than June 8Property owner notifies assessor in writing or in person of real property protest.§ 39-5-121(1)
§ 39-5-122(1), (2)
Not later than June 1Administrator provides a list of pending applications for property tax exemptions to county assessors, treasurers, and boards of commissioners§ 39-2-117(1)(a)(III)
By June 8Assessor concludes real property hearings.§ 39-5-122(1), (4)
Not later than June 10 of the following yearAppeal of reappraisal values to state board on reappraisal order by the state board as a result of a petition for reappraisal from the Administrator.§ 39-2-114(4)
Not later than June 15Assessor mails or e-mails (upon request of taxpayer) NOVs, together with a protest form, for personal property, drilling rig valuations, and all producing natural resources property. Apportionment of drill rig value furnished to owners and each county in which the rig was located in the preceding year.§ 20, art. X, COLO. CONST.
§ 39-5-113.3(2)
§ 39-5-121(1.5), (1.7)
§ 39-6-111.5
§ 39-7-102.5
Beginning on June 15Assessor hears all objections concerning personal property, drilling rig valuations, and all producing natural resources property.§ 39-5-122(1)
§ 39-6-111.5
§ 39-7-102.5
Not later than June 30Property owner mails or delivers in person their protest to assessor for personal property, drilling rig valuations, and all producing natural resources property. (Postmarked no later than June 30.)§ 39-5-121(1.5)(a)
§ 39-5-122
On or before last working day in JuneAssessor mails two copies of real property NOD to property owner. (For counties that elect to use the alternate protest and appeal procedure, the deadline is August 15.)§ 39-5-122(2)
§ 39-5-122.7
Prior to July 1County clerk and recorder publishes notice that it will review assessment roll and hear appeals on real and personal property valuations. (For counties that elect to use the alternate protest and appeal procedure, the deadline is no later than
September 1.)
§ 39-8-104(1)
Prior to July 1Notice of organization of a political subdivision is given to assessor and board of county commissioners of each county in which the political subdivision is located.§ 39-1-110(1)
Prior to July 1Special districts record court orders for inclusion by election in order to levy a tax against the included property in the current year.§ 39-1-110(1.5)


July 1Assessment date for construction occurring after January 1 for growth valuation for assessment in counties which have declared severe residential growth impact conditions.§ 39-5-132 (2)(a)(I)(B)
Not later than July 1Applications for veteran with a disability exemptions are submitted to the county assessor. Applications bearing a postmark of July 1 are considered timely filed. The county assessor may accept applications until August 1 if the applicant can show good cause. The assessor reviews the applications for approval/denial of disability and property requirements. Surviving spouse of a prequalifying veteran with a disability may apply for the same exemption for the same property used as their primary residence. Application is to the county assessor where the property is located by July 1.§ 39-3-203(1.5)(a.5)
§ 39-3-205(1)(b)
§ 39-3-206
§ 39-3-206(1.5)(a)
§ 39-3-206(2)(a.7)
Not later than July 1Administrator sends NOVs to state assessed companies and county assessors.§ 39-4-107
Beginning on first working day after NOVs are mailedAdministrator hears all complaints concerning state assessed values.§ 39-4-108(4)
Beginning on July 1CBOE sits to hear appeals on real and personal property valuations. (For counties that use the alternate protest and appeal procedure, the deadline is September 1.)§ 39-8-104
Not later than July 15Assessor reports to the CBOE the total assessed value of all taxable property, and submits a list of all real and personal property protests, the status/outcome of each protest, a list of movable equipment apportionments, and a list of owners who failed to return a Personal Property Declaration Schedule. (For counties that use the alternate protest and appeal procedure, the deadline is September 15.§ 39-8-105(1), (2)
Not later than July 1 the following yearState board affirms, rescinds, or modifies reappraised values resulting from ordered reappraisal.§ 39-2-114(5)
By July 5Assessor concludes personal property hearings.§ 39-5-122(4)
On or before July 10Assessor mails two copies of personal property and producing natural resources property NODs to property owner.§ 39-5-122(2)
On or before July 15 of that yearProperty owner mails or delivers one copy of assessor’s real property NOD to CBOE. Appeals received or bearing postmark on or before July 15 constitute proper filing. (For counties that use the alternate protest and appeal procedure, the deadline is September 15.)§ 39-8-106(1)(a)
Not later than July 15State assessed companies, assessors, and BOCCs file petitions with the Administrator to protest state assessed valuations or apportionments.§ 39-4-108(1), (2)
Not later than July 15Residential real property owners mail or deliver senior citizen exemption applications to the assessor. Applications received or bearing a postmark on or before July 15 are considered timely filed. The assessor must accept late applications through August 15.§ 39-3-205
§ 39-3-206
Not later than July 15Residential real property owner’s mail or deliver qualified senior primary residential classification applications to the assessor. Applications received or bearing a postmark between March 16 and on or before July 15 are considered late.§ 39-1-104.6(7)(b)(II)
Not later than July 15Last day for protestor of rent-producing commercial real property to provide the assessor the information described in § 39-8-107(5)(a)(I). This deadline pertains only to counties implementing the alternative protest period.§ 39-5-122(2.5)
On or before July 20 of that yearProperty owner mails or delivers one copy of assessor’s personal property (or producing natural resources property) NOD to CBOE. Appeals received or bearing postmark on or before July 20 constitute proper filing. (For counties that elect to use the alternate protest and appeal procedure, the deadline is September 15.)§ 39-8-106(1)(a)
July 27Administrator concludes hearings concerning state assessed properties.§ 39-4-108(4)


Prior to August 1County clerk gives published notice that BOCC, sitting as the CBOE from August 1 to September 1, will hear appeals for denials of senior citizen and veteran with a disability exemptions.§ 39-3-206(2)
In AugustAdministrator notifies assessors of counties that have been severely impacted by growth of both the assessed value newly constructed buildings owned by state assessed companies and their state of completion on July 1, and their value on the previous January 1.§ 39-5-132 (2)(a)(I)(D)
Not later than August 1Administrator renders decisions on state assessed complaints and issues final determinations of value.§ 39-4-108(5)
Not later than August 1Assessor mails denial notices to residential real property owners who submitted incomplete or non-qualifying senior citizen, veteran with a disability, or surviving spouse of a prequalifying veteran with a disability exemption applications.§ 39-3-203(1.5)(a.5)
§ 39-3-206(1)
§ 39-3-206(1.5)(b)
August 1Final date by which the county assessor will accept applications for a veteran with a disability exemption if applicants show good cause.§ 39-3-206(2)(a.7)
August 1Final date (not statutory) by which the county assessor may accept applications for the surviving spouse of a prequalifying veteran with a disability. 
August 1BOCC, sitting as the CBOE, begins hearing appeals for denial of senior citizen and veteran with a disability exemptions. (The CBOE may use referees for this task.)§ 39-3-206(2)
August 1BOCC, sitting as the CBOE, begins hearing appeals for denial of qualified senior primary residential classification. § 39-1-104.6(7)(a)(II)
Not later than August 5CBOE concludes hearings and renders decisions on real and personal property appeals. (For counties that use the alternate protest and appeal procedure, the deadline for real property is November 1.)§ 39-8-107(2)
Within five business days of rendering decisionCBOE mails decisions on real and personal property appeals.§ 39-8-107(2)
Not later than 30 days after CBOE decision is mailedAppeals from CBOE decisions must be filed with BAA, district court, or BOCC for binding arbitration.§ 39-8-108(1)
Not later than August 15Assessor must accept senior citizen exemption applications filed by this date if the application is not filed by July 15.§39-3-206(2)(a.5)
No later than August 15Applicant requests hearing with CBOE to contest assessor’s denial of the senior citizen or veteran with a disability exemption.§ 39-3-206(2)(a)
No later than August 15Assessor mails two copies of real and personal property NOD to property owner. (For counties that use the alternate protest and appeal procedure.)§ 39-5-122(2)
By August 25Treasurer reports to the Administrator taxes abated, refunded, or determined to be uncollectible and canceled during the previous reporting period.§ 39-10-114(3)
Not later than August 25Assessor files two copies of the Abstract of Assessment with the Administrator. Assessor reports the assessed value of property in the county, each municipality, and each school district by class and subclass on form prescribed by the Administrator. Assessor also reports the assessed value of new construction, destroyed property, and net change in volume of minerals and oil and gas production. (For counties that use the alternate protest and appeal procedure, the deadline is November 21; however, the Division requests a preliminary abstract from these counties on August 25.)§ 39-2-115(1)
§ 39-5-123
Not later than August 25Assessors report actual values of the property within a county to the Administrator.

§ 39-1-104.2(1)(e)

§ 39-2-115

Not later than August 25Assessor notifies each taxing entity, the Div. of Local Government, and the Dept. of Education of the total assessed value of real and personal property within the entity, and the exceptions to the revenue and spending limitation pursuant to § 39-5-121(2)(a), C.R.S.§ 39-5-121(2)(a)
§ 39-5-128(1)
Not later than August 25Assessor notifies each taxing entity, except school districts, of the total actual value of all real property, the actual value of newly constructed real property, minus destroyed improvements, and additions to, minus deletions from, taxable real property as prescribed by the Administrator pursuant to § 39-2-109(1)(e), C.R.S.§ 39-5-121(2)(b)
By August 25Assessor notifies BOCC of amount, distribution and impact of growth valuation for assessment in counties which have declared severe residential growth impact conditions.§ 39-5-132(3)
No later than August 25Assessors report assessed values to determine the amount of qualified local share property tax revenue to the Administrator.§ 29-1-1702.5(4)(a)(I)(B)(II)


On or before September 1CBOE publishes notice of reviewing assessment roll and hearing appeals on real and personal property valuations. (For counties that use the alternate protest and appeal procedure.)§ 39-8-104(2)(a)
Not later than September 1BOCC, sitting as the CBOE, conclude hearing appeals for denial of senior citizen or veteran with a disability exemption.§ 39-3-206(2)
September 1CBOE hears real and personal property appeals of assessor’s determinations. (For counties that use the alternate protest and appeal procedure.)§ 39-8-104(2)(a)
Not later than September 10Assessor submits report of approved senior citizen and veteran with a disability exemptions to the Administrator.§ 39-3-207(1)
Not later than September 10Assessor submits report of approved qualified senior primary residential classification to the Administrator.§ 39-1-104.6(8)
Not later than September 15The assessor must compile and report to the CBOE the assessed value of all taxable property in the county, and submit a list of all real and personal property protests, the status/outcome of each protest, a list of movable equipment apportionments, and a list of owners who failed to return a Personal Property Declaration.§ 39-8-105
On or before September 15 of that yearProperty owner mails one copy of assessor’s real and personal property NOD to CBOE. Appeals bearing postmark on or before September 15 are considered timely filed. (For counties that use the alternate protest and appeal procedure.)§ 39-8-106(1)(a)
September 15Final report of the annual audit is submitted to the General Assembly and the state board.§ 39-1-104(16)(a)


Not later than October 15Administrator transmits abstracts to state board.§ 39-2-115(3)
Not later than October 15Administrator files complaints with State Board of Equalization specifying adjustments to classes or subclasses for the following year.§ 39-2-115(2),(3)


Not later than November 1 of that yearCBOE concludes hearings and renders decisions on real property appeals. (For counties that use the alternate protest and appeal procedure.)§ 39-8-107(2)
Not later than November 1Administrator provides denial notice to applicants that claimed more than one senior citizen or veteran with a disability exemption, or both.§ 39-3-207(2)(a)(I)
Not later than November 1Administrator provides denial notice to applicants who claimed more than one qualified senior primary residential classification as a married couple, on property that the applicant does not own and occupy as primary residence, or applicant is otherwise ineligible to claim an exemption.§ 39-1-104.6(8)
On or before November 1 (even years only)Administrator calculates and publishes the adjusted personal property exemption amount to account for inflation§ 39-3-119.5 (2)(b)(I)(A)
Not later than November 15Applicants denied senior citizen or veteran with a disability exemptions by Administrator may file written protest with Administrator.§ 39-3-207(2)(a)(II)
Not later than November 15Applicants denied qualified senior primary residential classification by Administrator may file written protest with Administrator.§ 39-1-104.6(8)(b)(II)
Not later than November 15State board delivers decision in writing on Administrator’s petition for reappraisal.§ 39-2-114(2)
On or before November 15Administrator certifies to state board the assessed value of all taxable property within each county and for each school district or portion of a joint school district in each county. (Except city and county of Denver, see December 20.)§ 22-54-112(1)
Not later than November 21Assessor transmits abstract to Administrator. Assessor reports assessed value in the county, each municipality, and each school district by class and subclass on form prescribed by the Administrator. Assessor also reports the assessed value of new construction, destroyed property, and net change in volume of minerals and oil and gas production. (For counties that use the alternate protest and appeal procedure.)§ 39-5-123


Not later than December 1Administrator provides notice to assessor of denied senior citizen or veteran with a disability exemptions due to the applicant filing multiple applications.§ 39-3-207(2)
Not later than December 1Administrator provides notice to assessor of denied qualified senior primary residential classification due to ineligibility. § 39-1-104.6(8)(c)
Not later than December 1Administrator, in cooperation with assessors’ committee, submits legislative recommendations to governor.§ 39-2-118
Prior to December 10Assessor transmits a single notification to BOCC, other taxing entities, Division of Local Government and the Department of Education if value changes were made after August 25 certification of values.§ 39-1-111(5)
Not later than December 15Clerk or secretary of towns, cities, special districts, and school districts certifies levy to BOCC.§ 22-40-102(1),(3)
§ 39-5-128(1)
On or before December 15Inactive special districts file notice of inactive status§ 32-1-104(3)(a)
On or before December 15Assessor submits report of destroyed property eligible for reimbursement from the state§ 39-1-123(2)(a)(II)
On or before December 20Administrator certifies to state board the assessed value of all taxable property within the city and county of Denver and for the school district located in the city and county of Denver.§ 22-54-112(1)
Not later than December 20State board completes review of abstracts§ 39-9-105(1)
Not later than December 22County commissioners levy taxes§ 39-1-111(1),(2)
As of the last day of DecemberState assessed values determined§ 39-4-106
As soon after end of year as practicableAdministrator prepares Annual Report§ 39-2-119


Received by BAA within 10 working days after the date on which summary decision was mailedIf the BAA has issued a summary decision, a party dissatisfied with the summary decision may file a written request with the BAA for a full decision§ 39-2-127(6)
Not later than 49 days after BAA full decisionProperty owner appeals to Court of Appeals.§ 24-4-106(11)
§ 39-8-108(2)
Not later than 49 days after BAA full decisionAppeals on Abatements: County appeals to Court of Appeals for judicial review of alleged procedural errors or errors of law by the BAA, or if BAA recommends that its decision is a matter of statewide concern or has resulted in a significant decrease in the assessed valuation of the county.§ 24-4-106(11)
§ 39-8-108(2)
Not later than 30 days after BAA full decisionAppeals on Valuations: County appeals to Court of Appeals for judicial review of alleged procedural errors or errors of law by the BAA.§ 39-8-108(2)
Not later than 30 days after Administrator’s final decisionAppeals from decisions of the Administrator must be filed with BAA.§ 39-2-125(1)(b)(I)